Chapter twenty-five

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The next day, Ben sat in the conference room awaiting for the meeting to begin. General Hux took his seat and stared him down. It had been weeks since he had come to one of these daily meetings. Hux wouldn't stop staring and Ben got an idea.

He turned his hand slightly under the table and made a 'u' shape with his right hand. He concentrated the Force onto Hux and constricted his airway. Hux's hands flew to his neck and he began gasping for air.

"General Hux, are you alright?" Ben asked, trying to play into character.

He tightened his grip for a second, before letting go. Hux took a few deep breaths, as a high political member sitting next to him, offered him some water.

As soon as Hux had regained his senses, he glared at Ben. Ben tried his best not to smirk towards the man, but he was almost certain one of the sides of his lips turned upwards.

The Speaker cleared his throat, interrupting the men's dispute and began speaking.

"Good morning to everyone," he said, standing up. "As you all know, tomorrow we will be sending Supreme Leader Kylo Ren to go inspect the rumours we have received, to decide how we shall act..."

Ben pushed the button in front of his, indicating his want to speak.

"Yes, Supreme Leader, you may speak."

The man sat down and Ben stood up.

"I would like to request someone else be in charge of this mission. As you know Sir, I have two babies at home and..." he didn't have a chance to finish his sentence before getting interrupted by the Speaker.

"Supreme Leader, you are the most adequate leader we have for this mission. We will not choose anyone else to lead this mission. Tomorrow, you will depart with a few dozen troopers and inspect these rumours we have heard."

"Yes, Sir."

Ben sat down and tried his best to hide his disappointment. This meant he would have to leave Rey and their twins for an indefinite amount of time.

He looked around the room. He noticed something he hadn't before. General Ohanso hadn't attended today's meeting. There were only a few exceptions for not attending meetings of such high importance. Ben and Rey had been given special permission to not these meetings, for however long they needed. However, nothing had been announced about General Ohanso.

Trying his best to think nothing of it, he continued to listen to the Speaker talk about other matters at hand.


Ben entered their quarters holding a few holo-pads he would need to read through tonight. He knew Rey wouldn't like hearing he would have to leave, but it had to be done.

He came into the living room and Rey was sitting on the couch, reading a book she had found in one of the bookcases. As soon as she saw him, she jumped off the couch and placed the book on the couch using the Force.

"What did they say?" Rey asked.

Ben placed the holo-pads on the table and walked towards Rey. He took her into his arms, placing her head on his chest, one hand on her head and one on her lower back. Rey instinctively placed her arms around him.

"Ben? What did they say?" She asked, practically an inaudible whisper.

"They said I had to go," he said, matching the volume of her voice.

He felt her arms tighten around him and he brought her as close to him as possible.

"I promise I will come back. These are just rumours remember."

Rey was trying her best to keep her tears at bay. They were desperately trying to break free, but she had managed to blink them all away so far. She dug her head into his chest, never wanting to let go. She felt his lips place a soft kiss on her forehead, which made her feel slightly better.

"Let's just enjoy the rest of the day as a family, alright?" Ben asked.

She nodded into his chest.

"Where are the twins?"

She pulled away slightly from him, just enough to be able to speak.

"I put them down for a nap about an hour ago."

"Once they wake up, let's spend the rest of the day all together."

She smiled at him. Ben traced the side of her lips, memorizing her smile.

"Your smile is so incredibly beautiful," he said. He leaned down slightly and kissed her.


As Ben had promised, they spent the rest of the day with their two week old twins. Rey had smiled practically the entire day. Seeing Ben smile down at the small children warmed her heart immensely.

The night had begun and the couple were laying down in their bed. The twins were fast asleep, only a few feet away from their bed. Ben's arm around Rey, as her head laid on his chest.

Rey had been keeping something from Ben for the last few days. She tried to keep it to herself, but it was starting to eat her alive. She knew she had to tell him.


He looked down at her.

"I... I had a vision." She looked away.

"What happened in the vision?" He asked gently, sitting up. Rey stayed laying down, staring at the ceiling. "Rey?" She sat up with him.

"It was very clouded and was happening very fast, so I'm not completely certain, but there was this man. He had a hood on and his presence seemed familiar. He turned around, but I couldn't see his face, then he came charging towards me with a red blade. Then, it ended."

"When did the vision happen?"

She fell silent. She knew she should've told him earlier, but she didn't have the courage to relive it. She hadn't realized, but tears began to escape her eyes. Ben reached out and wiped as many off with his thumbs, as he could. He then brought her close to him, wrapping his arms around her.

"It happened a few days ago..."

"Most visions aren't real, so I don't think you have anything to worry about, but if anything like this happens again, tell me right away."

She nodded.

"Let's get some sleep." He told her.

She nodded again and he kissed her forehead.

A/N: I cannot believe this story has reached 25 chapters! That's a lot more than I had originally intended, but I absolutely love writing this story! Thank you for your continuous support on this story!

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