"Don't be so hasty." Theo interrupted his thoughts. "I want to beat the idiots heads together as much as you do, but the more noise you make the less you'll be able to fly under the radar." Faolan didn't care. Those pups needed to be taught a lesson about respect, and he was about to do just that when he was interrupted!

"Gentleman!" They voice caused the hoodlums to freeze and face towards the kitchen where the lady from the bar stood with her hand on her hip. The voice she used demanded they heed her. The four boys stopped to stare at its command. "I suggest you boys find a seat. The kitchen will be closing soon, so you better get your orders in before then." Although her voice was calm and hospitable the ice in her eyes held enough frost to know that her words weren't just a suggestion. All four wolves stared at her as they moved to sit at the booth behind Theo and Faolan.

"Did you see that?" asked Theo. "The manager was able to control those four with a bark followed by a few veiled words...and they listened. Does that seem odd to you?" Faolan nodded. His mystery woman was becoming more interesting to him.

"Do you think she's a wolf? Maybe an enforcer from the local pack?"

"Nah, that can't be it." Theo shook his head. "The local pack doesn't have any female enforcers. Plus she doesn't smell like a wolf. Maybe she has witches blood."

The mystery woman was now back behind the bar getting refills for various patrons. Faolan was able to stare at her without too much suspicion. Theo was right. He couldn't smell wolf on her. In fact he couldn't smell anything on her. It was like she was a blank space. Maybe Theo had it right with the witch's blood.

"Way to go idiot," One of the hooligans, the one with a bit too much acne, whined. "You had to pull off a macho power move when the Magpie was working. We'll be lucky if we even get our orders in before we get kicked out." Magpie high? Faolan assumed they were talking about the brunette that held his interest.

"How was I suppose to know she was working?" Bushy eyebrows protested. "She wasn't behind the bar when we came in."

"She works almost every night. That's what happens when you're the fucking manager you idiot." Although didn't like the immature group he was at least getting some good info out of them.

"Here you go boys." Suzan popped up at their booth with two basket of burgers and fries. "Careful the fries are fresh out of the fryer." Theo and Faolan both dived in to their burger and each could not help but to let out the satisfied moans they illicited.

"Um 'scuse me, ...Susan?" Acne face was trying to catch Suzan's attention. "Can we get some menus please? ...Ma'am?" The boys next to them seem to be finding their manners.

"Manager said the kitchen is closed so we have soda and milkshakes available for you but otherwise you're out of luck." The was a chorus of groans at Susan's declaration. One guy hit bushy brows outside the head claiming it was his fault. Faolan snickered quietly. They were getting what they deserved. 

"Nope, I'm not dealing with this." Bushy brows didn't know to quit qhile ahead. 

"Come on man. Don't make it worse. Let's just order some shakes and make the best of it." Acne face seemed to be the reasonable one. 

"No! She obviously closed it to mess with us. I don't know why everyone listens to her. She's not even pack!" For a public bar the pup wasn't being subtle. "No I am not listen to some homeless runt. If she is going to live here she needs to learn to respect hierarchy." 

Bushy brows darted out of the booth. Faolan whipped his hand out and grabbed bushy brows by the arm. Bushy brows whipped back around to Faolan with a snarl but came to an abrupt stop when he met the Alpha's eyes. Faolan's Alpha power rolled off of him. Not enough to give him away but enough to show the pup he meant buisiness. Bushy brows eye's grew wide with ill-hidden fear. 

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