Seasons (2)

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A story of the winter chills and things that blossom like spring.

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Wyndon (Rose of the Rondelands), Galar

Hilda (silently getting out of bed and whispering to herself): I better be quiet, don't wanna wake the baby, aka Hilbert.

Hilbert (groggily while still in bed): Hilda, please come back it's freezing.

Hilda: Alright, gimme a sec, I just wanna see if the first snowfall of the winter happened overnight!

Hilbert (pulling the covers over his face): Noo, don't open the curtains it's too bright! Besides, don't you hear the rain pouring outside? I don't think it snowed. What time is it anyway?

Hilda: Aww, I guess you're right. It's 10am by the way.

Hilbert: Urgh, how about we just order room service and stay in bed all day? The weather isn't great to go outside, but it's perfect for staying inside.

Hilda (climbing back into bed with the phone): Damn, you beat me to it! I only got out of bed to call room service so we could have breakfast in bed!

Hilbert (propping himself up on his arm and chuckling): I love you so much.

Hilda (looking at him fondly): I love you.

Hilbert: What are you thinking about?

Hilda (ruffling his hair and laughing): Your bed head. It's clear why you always have to wear a cap!

Hilbert (pulling all the covers): I could say the same about you!

Hilda (pulling them back): I'm sorry! Please, it's too cold!

• • •

National Park, Johto

Hilbert: There are more couples out than usual today, even our usual bench is taken.

Hilda: I guess it's because all the flowers have bloomed for spring, it's really quite beautiful and romantic.

Hilbert: Speaking of couples, how do you think Cheren and Bianca are? I haven't spoken to them since, well, you know.

Hilda: Since what? Since I don't wanna call my mum, and contacting Cheren and Bianca will mean that they'll probably rat me out to her? It's a completely valid caution to take!

Hilbert: If you say so...

Hilda: But anyway, I hope they're doing well. Since assisting Professor Juniper with research, she has become super busy.

Hilbert: And Cheren mentioned that he wanted to become a teacher, maybe even a gym leader. He'd have to study and train a lot to achieve that.

Hilda: I hope they still have time for each other...

Hilbert: Me too. Say, what were your first impressions of me?

Hilda: Oh I remember it so clearly! I thought you were one of those really arrogant and rude guys who thought they were cool and brooding.

Hilbert: Ouch. Well I thought you were really rash and impulsive. Oh, and loud too.

Hilda: Well, I think you'd be happy to know that my impression of you has since changed for the better! You're actually very considerate and perceptive.

Hilbert (nonchalantly): You're more or less the same.

Hilda: Wow, thanks.

Hilbert: Ahh but in a good way!

Hilda (jokingly): There are a lot of great guys here in Johto, maybe I should start looking...

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Notes: I imagine that Hilbert and Hilda's personalities complement each other well. Like Hilbert being a very capable person, but sometimes when he is unsure, he just needs that push to do something, and Hilda is that person. Or maybe like Hilda being a bright person, but sometimes she gets overwhelmed from all the thoughts and feelings she's juggling, and Hilbert is able to support her in organising her thoughts.

Also, Happy TouTou Day (10/10)!

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