Shenanigans (2)

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Some teasing and a misunderstanding.

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Route 15, Kanto

Hilbert: Those gym leaders who also model are pretty admirable. Must be tough juggling between two careers at once.

Hilda: Beautiful and powerful! Say Hilbert, who is your favourite? Our shining beauty, Elesa? Or Galar's raging wave, Nessa?

Hilbert: You're not asking me these things hoping I'll slip up or something are you?

Hilda: I promise I'm not! I'll even give you my answer, it's Elesa! Okay, maybe that's a bit biased since I've hung out with her before but whatever...

Hilbert: Alright then, well my favourite of the two is probably Nessa.

Hilda: I've got it!

Hilbert: Got what?

Hilda: Your type!

Hilbert: Oh? Enlighten me.

Hilda: You like girls with long hair! You've also said before you thought Caitlin was attractive and she has got suuuper long hair!

Hilbert: Fair conclusion there, but you're missing some things.

Hilda: Aww I thought I had it.

Hilbert (taking off Hilda's cap and kissing the top of her head): I also love girls who are determined and have big dreams that extend to every corner of the world.

Hilda (on her toes to kiss Hilbert's nose): Tell me then, what kind of guys do I love?

Hilbert (placing Hilda's cap back and playfully pulling it down over her eyes): Who knows? You said something about Drayden once. Oh, and Bianca told me you had a crush on Cheren at one point too.

Hilda (punching Hilbert's back): Hey! I thought we agreed to keep that a secret!

• • •

Goldenrod Tunnel, Johto

Hilbert: There's a great Pokémon Salon down here, I thought it'd be nice for our Pokémon to have some pampering.

Hilda: Ooh yes! They all deserve it too!

Photographer (calling out to Hilda): Excuse me! You there with the long brown hair!

Hilda (pointing to herself): Who, me?

Photographer: Yes! You see, I'm a photographer. However, business hasn't been great as of late. I figured I needed to expand my portfolio and a beauty like you would help me greatly! So, what do you say to modelling a few things for me...? Sorry, your name was?

Hilda (excitedly): It's Hilda! Ooh! Hilbert this could be my big break!

Hilbert (sternly): What kind of modelling exactly, sir?

Photographer: Oh! Boyfriend I presume? Nothing raunchy don't worry, you're welcome to watch if you'd like.

Hilbert (considering Hilda's excitement): Alright, fine. But if there's anything she's uncomfortable with then we're leaving immediately.

Photographer: Wonderful! Well then, lovely Hilda! The change room is just over there. Hilbert, you can take a seat here. I'll get the camera ready.

Hilda (later nervously stepping out of the change room in a Team Rocket uniform): Umm, this was the only thing I could find in the change room. Are you sure this is right?

Photographer: You look perfect! Now, please pose over here!

Hilbert (getting up from his seat): Are you serious?! Team Rocket are a criminal organisation! Pulling this shit is exactly why you haven't had business!

Passerby (approaching the 3): Oh? Why is there so much shouting going on over there? Oh my Arceus! Team Rocket is back?! I'm calling the police!

Hilbert: Huh? No, you've misunderst-

Passerby: Why are you defending Team Rocket? Unless... You're part of Team Rocket too!

Hilda: Wait no you've got it all wrong, you see, my boyfriend and I are from Unova and-

Passerby: Oh Arceus! The situation is worse than I thought! Team Rocket have operations in the Unova region too?! There's no way you'll get away, the police are already on their way!

Hilbert: Oh fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck...

(Shortly after, Hilbert and Hilda were handcuffed and taken to the police station but were let off after finally having the chance to explain the situation. The photographer's Team Rocket uniform was confiscated too.)

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Notes: I headcanon Hilbert and Hilda to be like just under 180cm (he's still growing!!) and 165cm respectively. Also, I know it's said that the protagonists are like 16 years old in BW, but things really only make sense to me if they're at least 18. Cheren became a teacher in BW2, but if he were 16 as well in BW, does this mean he became a teacher at only 18?

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