Last Two Brain Cells

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The two try to impress each other with some "facts".

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Route 123, Hoenn

Hilbert: Legend says that long ago, the Hoenn region was formed when Groudon raised the land and Kyogre filled the seas. Pretty amazing huh?

Hilda: Yeah, that's pretty cool. But did you know, legend says that long ago, an epic trainer once said, "I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was", and they supposedly were.

Hilbert: What the fuck? Who told you this shit?

Hilda: Umm, Skyla. Why?

Hilbert: Are you stupid? She's tripping like 90% of the time! She's obviously on some good Big Mushrooms.

Hilda: And it's now just occurred to me why she's called the high-flying girl... Oh my Arceus, why is she even allowed to fly planes?!

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Lake Verity, Sinnoh

Hilbert: Lake Verity, and verity meaning "truth". I was certain we'd find some sort of clue as to where N is...

Hilda: Don't let that get you down though. How about I share with you a "truth", or a fact rather.

Hilbert: What have you got?

Hilda: My memory is a bit blurry, but I was in the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel with N once, and I swear he told me the truth about his name!

Hilbert: Wait, why and when were you in the ferris wheel with N?

Hilda: That's not the point! I promise I'll tell you later, but you know how his full name is Natural Harmonia Gropius? The "Natural" and "Harmonia" part? Self explanatory right?

Hilbert: Right...

Hilda: But the "Gropius" part? Well, he said something along the lines of his hair resembling that of a Tropius, and the "G" at the start is for green! Like his hair!

Hilbert: ...

Hilda: Isn't that so cool?

Hilbert: I never really thought much about N's name, but it's just occurred to me how similar "Gropius" sounds to "grope" and now I'm really concerned about why you were in the ferris wheel with him.

Hilda: Honestly, nothing like that happened. But, I'll tell you everything only if you tell me the full story of you and the hiker in the ferris wheel!

Hilbert: Now that is a can of worms I don't wanna open up...

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Notes: Here's a terrible visual of the really dumb thing about Tropius and N's hair.

Notes: Here's a terrible visual of the really dumb thing about Tropius and N's hair

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