"I'm Setting Off, But Not Without My Muse"

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A flashback to when the two were still in the Unova region.

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Nimbasa City (Big Stadium), Unova

Hilda (leaving the Big Stadium and bumping into Hilbert): Oh hello, Mr. I've-got-other-plans. Fancy seeing you here.

Hilbert (entering the Big Stadium with Cheren behind him): Nice to see you too, Ms. Sorry-I've-been-super-busy. Actually, I made plans with Cheren. Not sure what your reason is.

Cheren: Hey Hilda, how're you doing?

Hilda: Hey Cheren, it's so great to see you! Sorry, I can't stay and chat! I've been busy going all over Unova to meet with important people. Confidential stuff, you know.

Hilbert: Well, alright then whatever it's for I trust it's important to you.

Hilda: Absolutely! Well I'll be off! See you two around!

Nimbasa City (Small Court), Unova

Hilda (leaving the Small Court and bumping into Hilbert and Cheren again): Oh umm, hi again!

Hilbert (entering the Small Court with Cheren): Hey there, well I guess I'll see you later.

Hilda: Yep, bye!

Cheren (speaking to Hilbert): What is she up to?

Hilbert: No idea, should I ask Bianca?

Cheren: If you think it's the right thing to do, but remember, Hilda has never lied to you with malicious reasons. I'm sure she'll tell you what she's doing when she's ready to.

Hilbert: Yeah, I guess you're right.

• • •

Castelia City (Café Sonata), Unova

Hilbert: I'm glad you could still make it for our date night even though you've been busy.

Hilda: I wanted to talk to you about that actually! You see, I've actually been going around Unova and battling trainers everyday to get stronger.

Hilbert: That's exactly what Cheren and I have been doing too. Guess that's why we often bump into each other.

Hilda: You must be absolutely stacked in cash haha! Assuming you're winning, but I don't doubt it.

Hilbert (awkwardly): Haha likewise, it's just good to have savings right? Never know when you'll need it.

Hilda (fidgeting nervously): Yep, for sure.

Hilbert: ...

Hilda: ...

Hilda and Hilbert (suddenly at the same time): If I went on a trip around the world, would you come with me?

Hilbert: Wait, so were you battling many trainers each day to help fund for your trip like I was?

Hilda: Yes... And did you decide go on a trip because Looker said that N was seen somewhere away from here with a dragon Pokémon? Because I haven't been able to stop thinking about that.

Hilbert: It seems we've had the same idea all along. Can I take this as a "yes" then?

Hilda: Well actually, can I take your answer as a "yes" then?

Hilbert: That's exactly what I said? Oh I see what this is! You want the satisfaction being the first to propose the idea! Fine, I'll let you have this one, but know that I beat you to the questions a few seconds earlier!

Hilda: I don't think so, I definitely beat you to it! But really, I'm just happy we're on the same page and we can set off to search the world together.

Hilbert (squeezing her hand affectionately): Me too, know that I'll go with you anywhere.

Hilda (squeezing his hand back): And know that I'd do the same for you too.

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Notes: Ahh, thinking about healthy relationships and how lovely they are. I was totally listening to Taylor Swift's "the lakes" as I wrote this. Though I guess Passenger's "Anywhere" is even more appropriate.
Initially, I wrote something about Hilda's mum for this but it didn't feel quite right to me... Maybe I'll leave that for another day. 
Also, happy 10th anniversary to Pokémon BW!

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