Seasons (1)

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A story with the summer sun and the autumn blues.

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Route 25, Kanto

Hilda: Hurry up or we won't get to Cerulean Cape in time to see the sunrise! We gotta get there by 5am!

Hilbert: We're still so early, it's only 4:30am! Ah but it's so hot already, I guess that's summertime for you.

Hilda: Alright, maybe I overestimated how long it would take for us to reach the cape. I forgot that the trainers who are usually here would probably still be sleeping at this time.

Hilbert: Oh well, we can take it easy then. But it seems we're nearly there, I can see the Sea Cottage just up ahead.

Hilda: Lights are off it seems, Bill or his grandfather must be sleeping. Hey, do you think Bill would sell his Sea Cottage? I'd love to live there.

Hilbert: Would be peaceful, but I don't think I'd want to be in charge of all the Pokémon Storage System stuff he handles.

Hilda: Hmm, you're right. Wait, did you just see that flash of blue and purple by the cottage?

Hilbert: And now it's there on the cape! And now it's gone.

Hilda: Hmm, it couldn't possibly be Suicune could it?

Hilbert: Suicune, the Aurora Pokémon. Aurora also refers to the dawn. How fitting given the circumstances! I think it well and truly could've been Suicune!

Hilda: Oh my! It's like Suicune was blessing us with a beautiful daybreak! THANK YOU SUICUNE!

Hilbert: Shut up! People are trying to sleep!

• • •

Lake of Outrage, Galar

Hilda (looking over the cliffside towards Hammerlocke and the moon): I wonder how you've been mum. I know I should be sleeping now, but the thought that we could both be awake and thinking of each other right now somehow comforts me. I hope you're well and know I miss you...

Hilbert (waking up to the sound of quiet sobs): Hilda? Is that you? Are you okay?

Hilda (quickly wiping tears and looking away): Yeah, all good. Just getting those autumn chills, you know? Sorry if I woke you up, you should go back to sleep.

Hilbert (getting up from their campsite and wrapping his blanket around himself and Hilda): Nice moon tonight.

Hilda: It is.

Hilbert: If you're comfortable to talk about whatever is on your mind, I'm here to listen.

Hilda: Thanks. Actually, I was just thinking about my mum... She never fully agreed to the whole searching-the-world-for-N thing, but she never really said no to me either. I just wish I left on a more positive note, and I hope she isn't disappointed in me.

Hilbert: I think she'd be proud of you, and I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. By now, I'm sure she has realised that this is something important to you, and you've taken initiative to follow through with it. Why wouldn't she be proud of that?

Hilda: I guess you're right, thanks Hilbert.

Hilbert: I think she'd love it if you gave her a call too...

Hilda: Nope! That's still too big of an ask! Even if she may be proud of me, she will still make it absolutely clear that I'm terrible for leaving so suddenly and even worse for never calling! I'd like to save that roasting session for when we return home...

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Notes: Guess I did get around to writing that chapter about Hilda's mum.

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