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A year later...

As snow continued pile up outside, Jaebeom and Jinyoung were spending their November break together in Jaebeom's apartment.

The apartment was warm and the smell of freshly made popcorn floated through the rooms.

"Jinyoungie, do you remember what's in three days?" Jaebeom asked, folding himself into Jinyoung's embrace as they sat down on the sofa.

"Three days?" Jinyoung questioned, his head tilted to the side as he threw Jaebeom a dumbfounded look.

Meeting the eyes of his lover, Jaebeom bit down on his bottom lip and waited expectantly for the answer he wanted to hear.

"Mark's coming back in four days, not three though," Jinyoung stated, looking confused.

Jaebeom's expression deflated and he dropped his head onto Jinyoung's shoulder in defeat.

It's going to be our anniversary in three days and Jinyoung forgot, Jaebeom thought sadly.

He pouted as he shifted away from Jinyoung, grabbing the bowl of popcorn in Jinyoung's lap as he did so.

Stubbornly, Jaebeom pressed play on the Netflix movie they had decided to watch and refused to look over at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung sighed and shifted accordingly so he'd be pressed next to Jaebeom like they usually were. His hand was warm as it gently traced a line from his wrist down to his pointer finger.

"I didn't forget," Jinyoung whispered, heat emanated from his body as he leaned closer towards Jaebeom, pressing his shoulder harder against Jaebeom's until his hot breath caressed the shell of Jaebeom's ear.

Annoyed at the fact that his own boyfriend had just played him for a fool. Jaebeom leaned away and brought up his thigh, cutting off contact between Jinyoung's hand and his, while also effectively protecting the popcorn.

Jaebeom tried not to react when he heard the deep rumble of Jinyoung's laughter beside him as he concentrated on the movie ahead, furrowing his eyebrows as he glared at the subtitles.

"Baby, you know I wouldn't forget something like that. I was just poking fun at you." Jinyoung spoke, his voice certainly deeper than it had been a year before.

His once nerdy boyfriend had transformed into a complete hunk and Jaebeom felt like he was falling deeper for Jinyoung.

"Forgive me, please?" Jinyoung ducked his head down, attempting to push his face into Jaebeom's direct line of sight. His eyes were large and his bottom lip was sucked in to create an image that broke Jaebeom down to the core.

"Fine..." He uttered, reluctantly allowing Jinyoung to push his leg down so he could sidle up next to Jaebeom comfortably.

"You know that face of yours is my weakness," Jaebeom mumbled as he munched on popcorn dejectedly. His face felt warm as a rising blush worked it's way down to his neck.

"I know too well." Jinyoung sang, nuzzling his face against the crook of Jaebeom's neck. "And you know that everything you do is a weakness of mine." He whispered, his lips brushing against Jaebeom's neck as he spoke.

Swallowing nervously, Jaebeom pushed a few handfuls of popcorn into his mouth as he tried to rid himself of impure thoughts.

"Concentrate on the movie," Jaebeom stated, his voice sounded almost robotic.

"When we watched Frozen 2 you had the same look of bewilderment as I fed you popcorn." Jinyoung hummed as he stared at Jaebeom, affection practically gushing from his warm gaze.

"You also told me awhile later that you were having naughty thoughts and barely watched the movie."

Jaebeom choked on a kernel and began a coughing fit as he hid his face behind his hands, hoping that Jinyoung wouldn't notice the same was happening again.

"Haha, looks like you're thinking about something bad," Jinyoung commented cutely as he patted Jaebeom's back.

Shit, how'd he known? Jaebeom thought, racking his brain for a response that wouldn't make him seem like he was horny 24/7.

"If you want me you can just say so." Jinyoung laughed, snaking his arm around Jaebeom's waist, and effectively trapping him.

Jaebeom was speechless as Jinyoung placed the bowl of popcorn on the floor, replacing it with himself as he climbed onto Jaebeom's lap.

"Let me make it up to you for tricking you earlier?" Jinyoung asked, his thick thighs pressed firmly against Jaebeom's.

Jaebeom nodded mutely, his hands coming to a rest on Jinyoung's hips.

"Jinyoungie..." The whisper of Jinyoung's name faded away as Jinyoung brought his lips down upon Jaebeom's own.

Movie forgotten, the last bit of audio Jaebeom remembered hearing from the movie was, "I've never felt that before. I'm just exactly where I want to be."

a spicy ending for a sweet wintery fic lol

The ending quote is from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, it's a really nice movie and also Jaebeom's favourite so I definitely recommend it!

Thank you for reading this fic and I hope you continue to support JJ Project and GOT7!

Stay safe!

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