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"Do you want to watch Frozen 2 with me?"

The words rang loud and clear in the space between the two men and Jaebeom felt his heart start to break when Jinyoung took a step back from him.

Jinyoung was staring at Jaebeom in a mixture of emotions which Jaebeom could barely pick out but he did notice the undeniable shock that painted Jinyoung's perfect features.

At least Jinyoung wasn't disgusted by him.


Jaebeom started to panic again, wringing his fingers as he blurted out the next thing that came to his mind.

"I'm J-Jaebeom."

"It's you."

Both of them said at the same time.

Although Jinyoung's words were a breathless whisper, it was loud enough for Jaebeom to hear over the roaring of blood in his ears.

Jinyoung gave him a shy smile, nervously adjusting his glasses.

To say that Jaebeom was on cloud nine would've been an understatement. He was in outer space on star nine, moon nine, planet nine and he could go on and on and nothing would compare to how fast his heart was beating and how hot his face felt at that moment when Jinyoung smiled at him.

"You remember me?" Jaebeom asked quietly, hopefulness in his eyes as he watched Jinyoung fumble with the spine of his notebook.

Upon hearing his question, Jinyoung's shoulders drooped and he shook his head with the cutest yet saddest pout Jaebeom had ever seen in his life. (And he has seen a lot of pouting especially of his friends)

"It's fine!" Jaebeom immediately said, a little too loudly too because Jinyoung flinched in surprise.

Cursing himself mentally, Jaebeom racked his brain as he tried to think of ways to get Jinyoung to not run away from him.

"When are you free?"

Park Jinyoung was an angel.

Jaebeom grinned brightly as he tried his best to not look like a shark.

"I'm free tonight, and tomorrow, and the day after. Basically almost every day." He replied happily, the warmth in his cheeks was more than welcome on his face.

"Almost?" Jinyoung questioned teasingly, his mouth set into a heart-stopping smile.

Caught off-guard by Jinyoung's beauty, Jaebeom gaped at him shamelessly with the barest of nods.

Jinyoung's eyebrows furrowed in concern and he waved a hand in front of Jaebeom's face.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concern written all over his face.

Jaebeom gulped as he nodded again, "Y-yeah, you're just too handsome."

"Oh. Uh. I-I meant that uh..." Jaebeom tried to correct his slip up fruitlessly, his hands shook as he tried to explain himself to a flustered Jinyoung whose face became redder with each passing second.

"I... It's fine," Jinyoung mumbled, "Thank you for saying that."

Like, two awkward teenagers, the two men looked away from each other with their nervous habits on full display.

Jinyoung was the first to break the silence between them.

"Can I get your number?" Jinyoung coughed out, his eyes still dutifully remained everywhere else except on Jaebeom.

"You already have it," Jaebeom replied smoothly as he peeked at Jinyoung.

Another wave of embarrassment seemed to consume Jinyoung because the man blushes even harder.

"I broke my phone... It's going to take a while for it to be fixed." He explained.

Jaebeom nodded understandingly, "But how would you contact me if you don't have a phone?" He asked, confused.

"Good question. I don't know either, I only asked for your number because it seemed appropriate." Jinyoung rambled, avoiding looking at Jaebeom as he spoke.

Jaebeom giggled like a schoolgirl, his eyes disappeared into crescents as he tried to hide his giggles behind his hands.

Jinyoung was so adorable.

Jaebeom was so adorable

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Jaebeom was so adorable.

Now it was Jinyoung's turn to gape mindlessly at Jaebeom as he giggled shyly.

There was a moment of silence between them and the only thing Jinyoung could hear was the thrum of his heart in his chest.

He hasn't felt so alive in a very long time.

Just as Jinyoung was about to ask Jaebeom to write down his number in his notebook, a guy barrelled into Jaebeom causing the latter to stagger backwards.

"Jaebeomie! What are you doing here?" The guy voiced out, still holding onto Jaebeom tightly.

Jaebeom immediately pushes the guy away, holding him at arm's length.

"J-Jackson, this is Jinyoung." Jaebeom stuttered out cutely, gesturing to Jinyoung who tried not to look alarmed at the entrance of a new person.

But the name was definitely familiar to him.

"Hi," Jinyoung said first, holding his hand out towards Jackson.

"Oh my god, it really is you!" Jackson squealed, grabbing Jinyoung's hand with both hands, shaking it with vigour.

"It's been so long man! We should totally catch up!" Jackson suggested smoothly and proceeded to launch into describing his idea for a gathering.

Jinyoung stared at Jaebeom's eyes while Jackson talked. His gaze was captivating and Jinyoung could've stared into those deep dark pools forever if Jaebeom let him.

"Hello? Earth to Jinyoung!" Jackson called out, putting his face right next to Jinyoung's.

Jinyoung steps back and laughs awkwardly, "I broke my phone so I can't contact you guys."

Jackson quietens down for a second before an idea visibly pops into his head.

"That's alright! I'll get you a new one right now." He said, completely unbothered by how Jinyoung baulks at the idea.

"No, it's fine but thank you very much," Jinyoung says immediately, refusing Jackson's offer.

Jinyoung cast a glance at Jaebeom who was shifting in place, looking unsure of what to do.

"We could exchange emails?" Jinyoung suggests weakly, even he thought that he sounded unconvincing.

"Ooh, a throwback! Sure, why not!" Jackson happily answers and takes his phone out of his pocket.

But Jaebeom beats him to it and Jinyoung has Jaebeom's phone in his hands before Jackson's phone is out of his pocket.

Jinyoung doesn't fail to notice the triumphant smirk on Jaebeom's face.


I'm late but

Happy Valentine's Day!

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