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Jinyoung woke up the next day feeling like death.

Lately, a reoccurring dream of nameless faces occupied his head every night and it always ended the same way, a boy shaking his hand and then the scene abruptly cuts to the funeral of his grandmother.

But Jinyoung was no longer the same teary-eyed 16-year-old boy who cried whenever he was reminded of his grandmother. So he just laid in his bed and stared blankly at the ceiling.

His grandmother had been his primary caretaker throughout his childhood until his parents decided they wanted to be a part of Jinyoung's life as well and took him from her to live with them.

Jinyoung barely remembered any detail of that agonizing period of his life.

The separation had stressed Jinyoung out and not to mention the new environment just made Jinyoung more and more anxious. His parents tried their best to connect with him but as an angsty teenager, of course, Jinyoung remained stubborn and kept interaction with them to the minimum.

He remembered not having any friends when he moved with his parents. Though something tingling at the back of his head told him he probably had someone he wanted to be friends with.

Or more.

Jinyoung pressed his palms to his face as he sat up slowly. Any memories that Jinyoung had thought would resurface from the murky depths of his forgotten teenage-hood sunk deep down, just out of his grasp yet again.

Jinyoung sighed to himself as he contemplated between sleeping in or getting up.

His phone was still getting repaired at the shop and Jinyoung had to study for his exams that were coming soon.

The text message from the day before was still on his mind and Jinyoung desperately wanted to know who was behind it.

Was it a friend? Or just someone waiting for Jinyoung to let his guard down so he could play a prank?

"Ah my head hurts, I'm going back to sleep," Jinyoung muttered to himself as he flopped back into bed, mushing his face against his pillow.

Soon enough, sleep had caught up to him and Jinyoung was snoring away.


"For the last time, this is how your drink is supposed to taste like. You're the one who gave me some weird Starbucks secret menu recipe and I followed it. It's not my fault you don't like the taste, you'll still have to pay."

The customer's face turned red as she opened her mouth and said the next few words in a high-pitched tone, "I demand to see your manager!"

Jaebeom rolled his eyes as he left the counter to fetch his manager who was probably smoking outback.

"This isn't even Starbucks." He said loudly enough for the customer to hear before he ducked outside, quickly getting away.

Jaebeom was in a bad mood. He was sad and angry, mostly sad (because of Jinyoung), but he was definitely 100% angry right now.

Usually, he wouldn't let his temper get to him but today he was highly irritable because Jinyoung still hasn't replied nor come online.

"Some dumbass customer is looking for you," Jaebeom stated, standing a distance away from his manager who was indeed having a smoke.

"Yeah? What you'd do this time?" Jay asked, an amused smirk on his face.

Jaebeom sighed loudly, "I don't know man." He admitted. Jaebeom was starting to think that he should just quit his barista job.

"Damn. I hope one day you do." Jay replied, stubbing out the cigarette with his shoe. "Go take your break, I'll handle this," Jay said as he passed by Jaebeom, patting the younger's shoulder assuringly.

Jaebeom resisted the urge to yell out his gratefulness with a bunch of expletives and instead just gave his manager a thumbs up.

Jaebeom took off his dark blue apron, leaving it in the storeroom before he left the cafe.

He half jogged and half walked to the record shop not too far away from the cafe. It was his favorite place to go whenever he was feeling down. Jaebeom couldn't help the smile that followed when the record shop came into view.

With his eyes trained on the shop in the distance, Jaebeom almost missed the sight of the one and only Park Jinyoung on the opposite end of the street Jaebeom was about to cross.

"Shit," Jaebeom muttered under his breath.

He hadn't expected that he'd bump into Jinyoung on the streets while he was on his break.

Jaebeom was starting to panic as the cars slowed to a stop before the traffic light.

'Why is he here?' Jaebeom screamed internally.

Jaebeom stared at Jinyoung, taking in his casual and neat attire, the blue backpack slung across his shoulders and the ratty notebook in his hands.

Even after all these years, Jinyoung was still the same nerdy kid that Jaebeom had fallen for.

Jaebeom kept his gaze on the bespectacled boy as he crossed the street, hoping Jinyoung would at least make eye contact with him. His heart thundered in his chest as he walked slower in contrast to the long strides he had taken in his haste to get away from the cafe before.

A billion thoughts crowded his head and he swallowed nervously as he passed by Jinyoung and the boy still hadn't noticed him at all.

Feeling dejected but still buzzing with adrenaline, Jaebeom stopped in his tracks and decided to be bold and go after Park Jinyoung.

He had made a mistake as a 16-year-old and he wasn't going to make it again.

He swiftly turned on his heel and ran across the street until he caught up to Jinyoung. Who was walking with his head down, concentrated on the notebook he held in his hands.

Jaebeom was starting to get nervous again when he realized what he had done after coming to a stop in front of Jinyoung.

"Can I help you?" Jinyoung asked him, confused. The boy adjusted his glasses on his nose as he frowned in concern.

Jaebeom wondered if he had used up all of his brain cells while arguing with the customer earlier because he couldn't think of anything to say to Jinyoung at all.

Red in the face and panting slightly, Jaebeom looked into Jinyoung's eyes hoping the boy could take a hint and make the first move.

Technically Jinyoung already did make the first move by asking Jaebeom if he needed help but Jaebeom chose to ignore that train of thought as he collected himself.

He hoped that his eyes, that attributed to his good looks, conveyed every emotion for Jinyoung that he had as he straightened his posture and smirked at the boy.

Chic and sexy was his nickname after all.

But Park Jinyoung did not take to his charms too lightly.

The boy shot a look that could only be described as 'what the hell?' to Jaebeom and gave him a tight smile before side-stepping away and carrying on with his day.

"Shi- W-wait!" Jaebeom stuttered, "Park Jinyoung!" He shouted his crush's name loudly.

Jaebeom felt his stomach churn like a washing machine on the highest setting as Park Jinyoung whipped his head back, eyes wide with surprise.

'Shit he's too handsome.' Jaebeom thought, his heart rate increased in agreement.

Jaebeom's brain blanked out once again and his face grew hotter as he said the only thing that was in his head.

"Do you want to watch Frozen 2 with me?"

happy thursday everyone! here's a little gift from me to you :>

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