chapter twenty eight

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I took in this time to saver the look of Nozel's blushing face. He looks like a tomato. Damn, who knew I'd be able to fluster the stone cold king himself like that.



"Sho...- *sigh* a-alright...- but if anything goes wrong, I'm going to strangle you." Nozel managed to spit out in his flustered state.

The others just stood there in shock at what they have just witnessed.

"Good 'cause we wasted too much time arguing. We have to get there and we have to get there fast. So we'll have to work together. We all have to combine our magic in order to get there on time-" I said but was cut off by their complaints about working together.

"I will not lower myself to work alongside men!" Captain Charlotte spat out with venom.

"I am royalty! I will not work with them!" Ya'know, sometimes I just want to rip out those Silva's throats, but I will contain myself for the sake of Noelle.

"SHUT UP!!! WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS! WE NEED TO HURRY, WE DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH DAMAGE IS CURRENTLY HAPPENING AT THE CAPITAL!" I shouted. Already fed up with their bullshit, I take a few deep breaths as Yukino strokes one of my wings. "You have no choice but to work together. If not for the sake of each other's survival, than do it for the clover kingdom and it's people."


And with that they all agreed.

"Now here's the plan; I will turn into my dragon form and you all will support me with your magic to not only increase my speed but also create a stable enough place that you can rest on my back. So that you won't fall off, there has to be some sort of railing. Nozel, you will create the railing with your {Mercury magic}, make sure it's sturdy. You, sand guy I forgot the name of (Insert random person snickering), will create a sort of light but strong armor for me, just in case of an attack. Nebra or Solid, I forgot which one had {mist magic}, you will use your magic to give me a boost while flying. Miss. Charlotte, may you please create and sort of reign to guide me? Miss. Sol, would you be so kind as to create and type of platform for everyone to rest on so that the heat of my body doesn't cause anyone any discomfort? And Yukino, mi amor, could you be at Captain Charlotte's side so in any case I loose control I could count on you to correct me? Mimosa-san, if anyone is injured, can I count on you to be on stab by for healing? And the rest of you are useless, so you will be stuck on guard. If anyone attacks, you will counter." I told them the game plan.

"Hai" they all agreed.

"Oh, and one more thing. Yukino, could you carry everyone onto my back using {telekinesis magic}?" I asked making sure he was alright with this task.

"O-of course," he said blushing in embarrassment from all the attention.

Fuck, he's cute! I want to take him here and now but I can't.

It's alright Ari! Just be patient, you can mark him afterwards...

And with that I used some wind magic to get a good distance away and transform. I closed my eyes and begun the process.

'alright, just search for the ancient energy, imagine the dragon and unlock your blood line.'

And then there was a bright light. Once it faded, there I stood, in all my glory.

 Once it faded, there I stood, in all my glory

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{Hiatas} I Died And Woke Up In Black Clover As An Op CatWhere stories live. Discover now