chapter thirteen

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A/n: *looks at Bon(?)* Ah, a man of culture. You truly know your stuff😤

Him: I know you don't have to tell me.... And I'm still willing to fight Okumura(?) for my food😒

Author:you know, karma's a bitch. You should at least try to be nice to Rin

Him: yeah whateve-

???: Yeah well I don't think your a very nice person either... *Turns around to leave*

Author:wait- no- karma, sweetie- I didn't mean it-


My ears flattened against my head, 'Asta will you keep it down, I'm trying to nap here!' "growl"

Yami grabbed his head and lifted him up, "I told you to keep it down, and I'm not going to tell you what the meeting was about. Just know that after it there was a big fight and Sho was in the middle of it all...." He said as he put Asta back down.

"Oh you poor soul." Vanessa said while petting me.

And with that I fell into a deep slumber....


Now that i'm awake i should probably explain what is going .....


I'm not exactly sure myself, one moment I'm in my bed, just waking up, and the next I'm being smothered in Vanessa's plump 'watermelons'. not that I'm complaining but I am just a little confused.

'As much as I love this, I have plans for today and I don't want to miss this opportunity. So can you please let go of me, love?' "meow"

I start to struggle until she finally lets go of me. I make my way to Noelle and jump into her arms.

"I feel betrayed..." Vanessa said with a sigh. like I said; as much as I loved it, I have things to do today and the only way I can get them done is if i am with them. I truly am sorry my darling. Maybe we can continue later...?

I know that today is the day that Noelle, Asta, and Magna get the dungeon mission so I have to be there to meat Yuno........

And help them if they need it....

But let's be honest they won't need my help, unless there was some other side character that was not mentioned in the show that is involved with the Diamond kingdom than there is nothing to worry about..............




Why do I get the feeling that I just jinxed us......... Oh well, I'll worry about that later. Right now we have other things we need to do to prepare for this up-n'-coming mission.

Watch out dungeon, because Ari Tsukihiro will conquer you!

Any way, Nero just took her spot on Asta's head so I took my spot around Noelle's neck.

'There is no why in hell that I will get on or even near Magna, I mean, I have nothing against the guy but his entire being radiates heat. I am not trying to turn into fried cat and be turned into a very rare cat shishkabob by Charmy. That would be the worst one of the worst things that could happen to me.' "meeeoooowwwww, shiver"

"Are you cold, Sho? Do you need a blanket?" Noelle asked.

At this point I thing I might end up making Nero explode because of how much I make her have to hold in her laugh just to not get caught.

'no, lets just go on this mission already. I want to meet Yuno, Mimosa, Klause, and Mars. I can't wait! This is going to be so fun!!!!!!!' "nyaaaaaa!"

I pounced on to Nero and tackled her to the ground.

"Wait, Sho, what are you doing?!!? Don't eat Nero!!!!!" Noelle yelled at me but stopped when she saw me rubbing my face against Nero instead of trying to kill her.






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