chapter twenty six

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A/n: that picture is basically me laying in bed, trying to find something funny...


I took out me grimoire, ready to defend against any attacks. Making sure Yukino had his sensitive ears covered. I then kicked the door open creating a loud bang.

"WHAT'S UP, BITCHES!?!?!" I yelled out.


Multiple attacks came my way, only for them to stop mid air and completely disappear without a trace.

"Damnit Ari! You should have told me you were going to do that! I would've joins in!!!!" Alex screamed from behind me.

"Then it wouldn't have been surprising for everyone." I said with a smile.

I then felt my wings being pet in a comforting manner. I looked behind me only to see Yukino in a sort of trance. His eyes were focused on my wings as he gently yet affectionately ran his fingers through my feathers. His eyes were sparkling as he looked at their beauty.

"Yukino, love, let's enter the hall shall we?" I said, sadly having to interrupt him. It felt good...

He broke out of his trance and blushed. Holding out my hand, he gladly took it and we joined the others who already walked in.

Once the promotions were over and done with, we were all left to socialize be our selves. It was really awkward... I didn't try because I know they will only judge me even more, and on top of that, they would only make fun of me.

I made my way over to the sweets, and picked out a few that I would like. Yukino also did that, though he was a bit hesitant on letting my arm go.

He's so cute!!

He seemed extra nervous while he was only holding his plate and had no room to hold onto me. So I extended one of my wings and wrapped it around him. He blushed and gave my a great full smile.

My heart couldn't help but melt at the sight of it.

As we were eating I intertwined my tail with his. I could practically hear Mimosa fangirling over this.

Who would have thought that Mimosa is a fujoshi...

I chuckle in my deep smooth voice, causing Yukino to look at me.

"I-is something th-the mater?" He stuttered out.

"No, it just that you have a little something right..." I said as I got closer to his face. "Here..." I said as I licked his cheek, getting the icing that was on there.

I smirked at his bright red face.

I can hear Mimosa squealing in the background.

You're welcome for the fan service, Mimosa.

After that, he just went back to eating, trying to calm down his face.

I guess I missed something because I saw Asta jump on to a table and start shouting. Observing the scene a bit more, I can see that Noelle is wet.
(Not in that way, you pervs)

I sighed placing my plate down, already done. I made my way over. Yukino followed, though still eating.

Although I knew what was going on I didn't want to seem suspicious so I asked any way.

"Asta, why are you on the table? And why is Noelle's clothes spoiled?"

Noelle only looked down as Asta glared and pointed at the other Silva that were in the room.

I nodded and swiped my hand making a wall around Noelle and making some clothes that look exactly like hers float in the air in front of her.

"Please get changed and knock on the wall twice when you are done." I spoke to her.

I then turned towards her siblings, specifically Nozel, and smirk.

"I can't say it's much of a pleasure to meet you again in this type of way... Captain Nozel." I spoke

"I have never met someone with your feature. I don't know you." He said but I ignored that and continued.

"Tell me, captain.... How's your hair?" At this point I couldn't stop myself from grinning.

Nozel subconsciously reached up to tug on his braid slightly. Beside us Asta, Nebra, and Solid were fighting. I felt two knocks coming from the inside of Noelle's changing walls, so I released my spell.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Nozel stated.

Nebra and Solid were now on the ground so Nozel shot some of his [mercury magic] out at Asta, still facing me. I made a clear barrier around Asta, successful blocking the attack.

Yukino left my side, knowing that this is a dangerous situation to be in. He walking towards Alex who was just standing there, watching all of this play out. He stood next to her.

Everyone's eyes went to Nozel and I having a stand off.

Nozel released his mana, trying to make me submit. I released the same amount.

"You don't recognize me because you not looking hard enough." I spoke, still smiling.

Me hand reached up and flicked the tag of my collar, making and slight ding sound.

His eyes flickers between my hair and the collar. His eyes than widen in a sudden realization.

"You're Sho..."

"Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Tell me little bird, what would you like your prize to be?" I said in a game show voice.

He glared in return, "don't mock me, you swine!"

He released all of his mana. It formed into an eagle, with eyes as I'd it is looking down on it's prey.

I release slightly more than him and mine turned into many things. The most noticeable was a dragon and an angelic figure, standing beside each other.

Still smiling innocently, my wings started to spread out. My tail flicking threateningly. Once all four of my wings were spread out, you could really see just how large they truly are. My armor shining in the colors of my mana.
(Ari's Mana is rainbow colored)

But than I felt Yukino's presence behind me.

He pet my top right wing comfortingly, whispering into my ear.

"It's not worth it, Ari.... We still have to protect the capital. You can have your fight with Nozel afterwards..." Yukino whispered.

I nodded and calmed my self down, earning a surprised look From Nozel. I retracted my mana and tucked my wings back in, except for the one that Yukino was petting. My tail swayed softly at the nice feeling.

"Lo siento, mi amor..." I said, looking at him apologeticly.

"It's alright, as long as you're calm now..." He said in a soft voice, shaking his head.

Nozel had also retracted his mana, albeit still slightly confused. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"This is no time for fighting, we have a kingdom to protect," I spoke to him. "But we will have our battle, Nozel Silva." I declared.

Fuegoleon than took this chance to step into the conversation. Why he didn't do it before? I don't know....

"What do you mean-" I cut him off.

"I mean, the capital is under attack." I looked at him seriously.

"Ridiculous. If the capital were under attack we would be infor-" Nezel spoke, only to be cut off as well.

"THE CAPITAL IS UNDER ATTCK!!!" A mage ran into the room, startling most people.






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