chapter twenty seven

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A/n: hey. Does anyone even read these...? Probably not.

Yeah well, I finally watched ohshc an I fucking love it! I have no idea why I haven't watched it sooner... I'm an idiot for that😓


"Ridiculous. If the capital were under attack we would be infor-" Nezel spoke, only to be cut off as well.

"THE CAPITAL IS UNDER ATTCK!!!" A mage ran into the room, startling most people.


"I told you s-"

"Shut up! We don't have time to bicker!" Nozel oh so graciously interrupted me.

"Yeah whatever, two idiots are about to run out without a plan anyway. So on that note, I leave the planing to you. I have to make sure no lives are lost, Kami-sama would never let me hear the end of it if I did." I said, now walking towards the door I felt Yukino tug on one of my feathers slightly.

Turning to face him I spoke up, "yes love?"

"A-am I coming w-with you?" He asked.

"If that's what you want to do than yes. I would love for you to come with me!" I responded happily.

Nozel looked like he was going to blow a fuse so Fuegoleon out a hand on his shoulder, reminding him of the current crisis the capital is in.

"Hehe, I ship it..." I whispered, walking past the two of them.

I was was half way down the hallway when Yukino and I heard Asta's yelling. I payed no mind to it when Asta ran past me, only to be followed by Leopold.

Oh, I ship that too....

Wait- no, I ship Asta and Yuno!

But than again, Asta and Noelle look cute together too-

Oh, but Asta and Mimosa are also cute together-



My thoughts were interrupted by an explosion going off near the center of the castle town.

Quickly sprinting out of the door, Yukino at my side, I ran outside. Scooping Yukino up into my arms, I open up all four of my wings and take off. Flying through the air, I could feel the ominous hate towards everyone in this kingdom.

Landing on the rooftop of a random building, I take a look at the mess around me. Narrowing me eyes I search for any people that are wounded. Yukino starts to get to work on incinerating the zombies that come our way, using fire magic.

"[Fire magic: cremation] Ari, I sense a couple of hearts beating under the rubble! Hurry they might be injured, we have to get them to a safe place and get them healed!" Yukino shouted.

Damn this sudden change of personality kinda turns me on... Wonder if that courage will still be there when I have him pinned under me, screaming my nam- shit! Fuck! Not right now dirty mind! We have lives to save and people to protect!!!

"Right!" I run toward the rubble of the house that blew up and opened my grimoire.

"[Nature magic: helping hands]" I casted.

Hands made out of thick vines shot out of the ground and started lifting up the big chunks of walls that were on top. I, of course, help using my physical strength. Once all of the top pieces of the fallen house were cleared I saw a family of five underneath two walls that were leaving on each other, that was the only thing protecting them from getting crushed under the rubble. I then noticed that the two that looked like the adults were heavily wounded and looked like they were about to kick the bucket.

{Hiatas} I Died And Woke Up In Black Clover As An Op CatOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz