Fight! Sting vs Kira

Start from the beginning

"No way, Yame," Kira countered. "The idiot could never survive a boat ride. Don't you remember that octopus request we took a while back?"

"We went to the beach," Emi simply stated.

"No way. You actually went with those two? How on earth did you survive?"

"Very funny, Rin. We actually had a really great time!" Sting defended.

"I spent the day at the beach and then I made fireworks."

"Did you...take off your cloak at all?" Yuuki asked.


"So...what exactly were you able to do at the beach then?" Mich inquired.

Emi started, "Well I read my book on the towel--"

"Of course," everyone chimed in.

"Well I also built a sandcastle with Lector. It was a very fun day."

"Oh? And how many beds were there?" KIra asked slyly.

Sting blushed a bright scarlet, causing Kira to snicker.

"There were two," Emi stated smoothly.

"Oh," Mich muttered. That's no fun at all."

Sting looked to Emi and saw that she was giving him a mischievous smile towards him. He silently thanked her with a head nod before turning back to the group.

"We're still on for the mission tomorrow, right?" Kira suddenly asked.

Ayame, Sting, Lector and Emi all nodded before going over all the plans. Sting was, to no surprise, in charge of carrying all the supplies.

"It's only a B-rank mission, so it should be relatively easy. Apparently Jasper City has some bandits that are invading the mines and stopping all money flow from coming."

"I've heard that Jasper City is primarily a mining town, so it's no surprise that they would need this done ASAP."

"Well then," Lector and Sting yelled, "let's get to Jasper City!'

"Guys, we're not leaving until tomorrow. Why don't you give Emi a couple hours to debrief from a hectic day with you two."

Sting and Lector rolled their eyes at Ayame before wandering over to the bar.

"Hey Emi, we should totally spar."

"Kira! Didn't I just tell them to let her be?"

"But we're roommates. It's different."

"Why don't you and Sting spar since you two have so much energy," Ayame suggested.

Kira's eyes snapped down to the ground as she shifted. She sighed before going to leave. Emi looked at her with concern.

"Kira, are you oka--"

"What's the matter, Water Drain? Afraid I'm going to win again?"

"Go away."

With that, Kira walked out of the guildhall and into the city of Crocus. Emi turned to the rest of Phoenix Wing and asked what was wrong.

"They always fought whenever they got the chance, but Kira has never been able to beat him. He always wins, so she vowed to not fight him anymore until she was sure that she could at least get a tie out of the fight."

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