You Can Stay

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I had been standing outside the professors office for hours. Logan, Charles, Storm, Scott, and Jean, were chatting about the current change in situations. Although I didn't want to believe it, it made sense. He could manipulate metal using magnetic fields, and I could use those fields to block telepathy. Although, because of that one particular power, I was considered a 'threat' by Jean as they couldn't see my intentions. Playing with my claws, I ran the metal along my bare arm and watched the skin separate. It healed easily just like every other time. I went to do it again but a rough, strong hand stopped me. "Don't do that." The voice growled and I complied, taking my claws back in. "So whats the news?" Wolverine sighed and sat next to me as the rest of the adults filed out of the room and walked away. Professor X was the last one to come out and stopped in front of us. "Logan has told me of the latest. . . Discovery, we have made our decision for our next move." I was going to be expelled. Kicked to the curb. El finaly. Capish. Done for. Left to the cruel world and to Magneto. Abandoned to fend for myself. "We want you to stay with us where you will be safe. Try to have someone near you at all times alert us immediately if you see anything strange." Wait, what? I look at the grown ups and smile uncontrollably. "You actually want me here?" Logan turns in his seat to face me. "Of course we do Morgan. You will be safe here." I couldn't express how happy I was. Someone actually wanted me. That was definitely a first


POV: Logan

Her smile made it all worth it. In such a small amount of time, I knew I would already die for this girl. If that was possible. She reached up to hug me, taking me by surprise, thanked us both, and ran off. Probably to tell her friends. I was glad she had made friends with Rogue. Both kids I was very protective over. The Professor started wheeling down the hall slowly and I joined him. "You have taken to her very quickly Logan." Damn straight that's for sure. "I didn't expect it either. But that girl just has something about her that makes her-" "Special?" I look down to see a smile on the professors face. "And for your information, I was looking in your head when you showed me your location. Thank you for that. I also felt the pull you did, that showed you where to go." I had almost forgotten about that. The epiphany that dragged me towards my daughters location. "Have you ever felt it before?" "No. Just that one time. Why?" He sighed thoughtfully. "I think you two may have a connection of some sorts. Morgan has a remarkable gift, aside from what she gets from you. She can manipulate energy fields to a certain point for self defense. As a result, I cannot reach her mind unless she pulls those barriers down. I think she may have used that energy as an SOS signal. And I think you received it, being the closest person she knows." That made no fucking sense. "You sensed where she was when she was in danger. I think that connection was made the moment you two met." This was a lot to take in. Connection? "Speaking of family, Professor, how do we know for sure that Magneto is in fact her grandfather?" "We could always do a blood test, but I don't think Magneto would randomly attack a student, let alone your daughter, just to pretend she was his granddaughter. It's not his style." He was right, of course. Magneto must have been telling the truth. "All we can do now is interrogate Mystique and see what information she can give us." I huffed. "If she hasn't escaped already.

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