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Storm opened a bedroom door for me. Inside where 2 of everything. 2 beds, 2 duchesses, 2 wardrobes, 2 bedside tables. "You will be sharing a room with another girl your age. Her name is Rogue. She's relatively new here too." I smiled nervously and walked inside. A while after she left. A pretty girl with brown hair and a white stripe walked in. She was strangely wearing gloves when the temperature was pretty warm. She smiled and extended a hand to me. "Hi, I'm Rogue, Storm told me a new student would be here." I liked her. She seemed genuinely friendly. "Morgan." I replied and took her hand.


The next day was my first day at school. I didn't want to make a bad impression as I would probably be staying here till I was old enough to live on my own. Class after class, Rogue showed me around and refused to leave my side, even for her boyfriend, Bobby. I was beginning to like her more and more. There was one kid I had to look out for. Johnny was in the class with us and he was a bit of a cock-head, cute, but a dick. His mutation was the ability to control fire so it made sense he was hot. Ugh, what was wrong with me? Why did this guy have such a big effect on me? He was always showing off and acting up in class. I didn't worry too much about it until the third day. The bell had rung and I had left my books in my room. I told Rogue to go ahead and I would catch up but Johnny was outside my door when I got out. He sat up straight and walked towards me. He crossed his arms across his chest and his biceps flexed. Fuck he was hot. Ergh shut up Morgan, the guys a prick, you just met him, and you're not staying here. I went to move past him but he blocked my path. "What do you want, Johnny?" He smiled a charming smile. "I just wanna have a chat." I tried to dodge him again but he stopped me again. "Move Johnny. I have to get my books for class." He just laughed. "Don't tell me you actually want to go to those stupid classes?" I rolled my eyes. " If it means getting away from you." Johnny tried his best to be charming, and succeeded. His smile was so hypnotizing. "Aw come on baby girl, why don't we go back in that room of yours and I can show you the real fire." He reached his hand up to me and I backed off. "What the fuck? Back off!" His laugh was really pissing me off. "Come on baby, you know you wanna." He backed me against the wall and tried to kiss me and I freaked. "FUCK OFF!" I yelled and pushed him off, pulling my claws off and pushing him against the opposite wall with the claws against his throat. 
"What the hell is going on he..." A teacher rounded the corner. Oh Fuck. It was him. I knew as soon as I saw his shocked face. He stared at me, then my claws as I retracted them. "What the fuck." He said before Johnny ran off, glad to be let go. He muttered "Freak" as he left. Oh shit. I was left with the teacher. I think his name was Logan. Oh fuck. he seemed to be in a haze so I picked up my books and slowly left. 


A/N: Thanks for reading guys. I love any support you can give me. Leave any feedback, ideas or requests in the comments and please please please show me you read and enjoy my story. Keep reading to finish the story and stay updated. Love ya all. bye for now my lovelies. Ta ta

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