Too Young To Drink

685 22 1

POV: Morgan

I watched my mother leave me. She picked up a bag full of money and walked off. I didn't know where she was going, but I wanted to go with her. I didn't want to be left alone here. The guy she left me with was big and scary. He kept talking about a 'Weapon X' experiment. I didn't like the way that ignored my questions. A woman grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a room that had a big tank in the center. She sat he in the tank that was full of water. She lifted my shirt and pain rippled up my body. I screamed and looked at the source of the pain. She had plugged a screw into my stomach and was twisting it inside. She kept doing it. 1, 2, 3, 4. One after the other. My head felt dizzy with the pain and I couldn't cope. I drew out my claws and scratched her with the bones. She fell down and graspped her side where I scratched her while 2 other people in white suits came into the room and held my hands down. The pain seemed like it would never end. Lastly, they pushed a pipe down my throat and I choked on it.that was it. They were done. They pushed my head underwater and began the torture. I couldn't scream for my head was submerged and the pipe stopped me. It allowed me to breath but I still choked on its presence. A weird sensation filled me as a grey liquid filled the pipes leading into my body. I felt tears in my eyes, despite the liquid around me. I was dying. I would never see my mum again. My life flashed before my eyes. My entire body felt heavy. I couldn't breath. I needed someone to help me. Save me. Get me out of here. I can't... Breath...

Screaming, I sat up in bed and looked around me. Shit, it was just a dream. The memory remained in my head, the dream replaying in my mind. I looked down at my hands and saw the ribbed pieces of what used to be sheets. Fuck. My claws were out and had knocked several things over on the table beside me. Tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. I still felt the pain of that machine that filled my bones with metal. I focused on the present, and realized I wasn't in my room. Crap. That meant I had just destroyed someone else's bed. I looked around for clues and saw an army tag with Logan's name on it. Guess I found who's room it was. I got up and noticed I was still in my bloodied clothes from yesterday. I undressed and jumped into Logan's shower. Washing both the dried blood, and the terrifying memory away. I had no change of clothes on me so I got into my undergarments from before, and a WAY to big tee shirt belonging to Logan and grabbed my own clothes before walking to my room. When I got there, Rogue was fast asleep. 'It was the weekend,' I remembered. Rogue wouldn't wake up early today. The time on the clock said, shit! 5:30! Fuck it was early. I got dressed in my own clothes, and chucked the others in the hamper. On second thought, I'll throw the bloodied clothes in the trash. My legs felt like they were carrying weights as I walked down the stairs. In the kitchen, a very tired looking Logan, sat at the counter drinking a beer. "You know alcohol isn't really allowed in a school." He looked up and smiled before pulling another stool out beside him. "Hey kid, how did you sleep?" I groaned and sat beside him. "Awful. Oh, by the way, sorry about your bed." He looked confused for a second but saw me rubbing my hands in guilt and a look of understanding replaced it. "Nightmares?" I didn't reply. Nightmares were normal. Waking up in shreds of material was also normal. I guess it was normal for him too. "You were brave yesterday." I smiled at him and took the beer from in front of him and took a swig before he snatched it back. "You're too young to drink." He growled, and finished the drink in one go. "Did you find out what Magneto wanted with you? The others didn't want to ask till you recovered." An instant replay flickered in my mind of the previous days events as he went to the fridge and opened it. "Um, yeah. He uh. He wanted to tell me my mother was his daughter." Logan choked on the new beer he had just opened and set it down on the counter in front of me. I took the opportunity for another drink, knowing he wouldn't stop me while in shock. "Wait, your his granddaughter? How the fuck is that possible?!" I shrugged. He picked up the drink as I set it down and took a giant sip. "Fuck. I did not see that coming." "Yeah no shit." Was all I could say, as I wasn't completely over it either.


A/N: To be honest, I had no idea how to end that chapter. I'm kinda running out of ideas so I may just finish the book soon. If you have any other ideas for me, please comment them. Also if you have any story in your head that you want written for you, I will gladly do that for you. Please please please show me you read and enjoy my story by voting and commenting. Ta ta for now my lovelies. See you next time.

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