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POV: Logan

Her backpack looked filled to make the seams burst. "Going somewhere?" She whips around to face me in surprise but that look is quickly turned to anger as she walks quickly away from the school. "Oi, Kid!" She only walks faster making me jog to catch up. "If you're going to run, at least tell me why." She scoffs. "Why would I do that." 
"I think I have a right to know, being your fath..." Morgan whips around and points a finger at my chest. "You. Are not my father." And she leaves me standing there as she walks off into the treeline.


Professor X was in his study when I looked. He was doing some paperwork but looked up at me when I walked in. "Ah, Logan, how's the bonding going?" I lean against the wooden door frame. "She's gone." Charles sighed and looked back at his work. "She lasted longer than I thought she would. To be honest, I'm surprised she lasted longer than a day."
"I thought I was getting somewhere with her. Anyway, it doesn't matter now." Charles looks at me surprised. "Well of course it matter. It matters now more than ever. She needs you Logan, More than you know. She's run away, scared of getting close to anyone because of her past. Remind you of anyone?" He gives me a sideways glance and I roll my eyes. "OK, I kinda see it now." Charles grins. "Now because of her abilities, I can't read her mind, But I may catch her with her guard down with Cerebro. The Professor refereed to a giant mind reading device that enhanced his powers. I helped wheel him down to the elevator where we went down into the lower part of the house used by the X-men. Charles scanned us into Cerebro with a retinal scan and placed the helmet onto his head at the end of the path. "Now i don't need to tell you Logan but please, stay still so I can focus." He closed his eyes in concentration and the room around us changed. Red and blue sillhouettes of humans covered the room. Red was mutants, blue was normal. Charles zoomed in on a certain area around the house, connecting to every mind there was. Surprisingly quick, we found her. She was with three other people and we got a zoom up of their conversation through on of the others eyes. 

"You're from that freak school down the road."
"Little girl thinks she's special."
"We should show her what we do to people like her." The guys looked around 20, and one of them had her pushed against the wall with an empty syringe held to her throat. he motioned for the other two to hold  her arms down while he started to beat her. A punch to the stomach, a punch to the face, and a yank of her hair, pulling her to the ground and kicking her over. I couldn't stand to watch this. My instincts started to kick in and I felt very protective all of a sudden. "Go, Logan. Be the hero she needs you to be." And I left Cerebro with one last sentence from thos little fuckers beating my daughter.
"Fucking mutant Bitch needs to be taught a lesson about the superior humans.


I saw them about 30 seconds before I reached them. All three of them were now kicking Morgan into the ground. I saw her claws come out but they stood on her hands to prevent her from moving. I ran as my own claws slid out, shouting as I dug them into the leaders shoulder, slammed him against a wall.


A/N: Oof,  A lot happening in this scene. Continue reading to find out what happened next with the wolverine and his daughter. I hope you are all enjoying my story and as always, Comment any feedback, story ideas or requests. Please please please show me you read and enjoy my story. And I will see you in the next chapter. Ta ta

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