God Damn it Here We Go Again

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I had given up being stressed over this over an hour ago, basically five minutes after I knew Morgan had left. If she was dumb enough to run off after we had just been attacked by someone who was continuously trying to kidnap her, then she was obviously dumb enough to do it again and again and I could not be bothered saving her time after time.

"How are you not going crazy Logan? Your daughter is missing!" Summers had complained to me over fifty times already and my answer was always the same.

"She big enough to look after herself. If she wants to run off, by all means let her, she gets hurt, then maybe she'll learn not to do it again. Besides, if I tried to save her I have a feeling it would just end in me being yelled at."

"You honestly don't care, do you?" He put his hands on his hips, raising his exhausted gaze to the sky before walking off. Yeah I didn't care. I wasn't exactly close to her, I was barely a father and she was barely my daughter. If she didn't want me to care, why should I? 


The metal restraints cut into my skin when I tugged at them, desperate for an escape. The position I was in left me dangling from my wrists which was both painful and tiring.

"Are you gonna hurry up with this or am I just gonna hang till I die?" I rushed Magneto impatiently.

"There's not much to say. I don't know who attacked your precious school but it wasn't me." I scoffed. "Think about it. Why on earth would I do something so reckless that it could harm mutants? That has never been my objective." I hated how he was making sense. "And anyway. How on earth would I have blown up a school? I move metal with my mind. I don't have the ability to blow things up." He was right. It wasn't his style. 

"Okay. I believe you. Now can you let me down now? I swear my arms are going to fall off." With a wave of his hands, the restraints are released and I fall to the ground, scraping my knee which quickly heal over. "But why did you get Mystique to kidnap me then? Honestly this whole game is getting exhausting."

"Well I'm not about to give up my mission am I. You are my granddaughter and I intend to take you away from that imbecile of a father you have." I wanted to argue but part of me knew he was right. Logan hadn't exactly been dad-of-the-year lately. Or at all.

"The thing I find strange is, no one has ever really wanted me before. What makes you different?"

"I'm going to be honest with you here. Your ability to create magnetic fields like a blanket over your mind is extraordinary. I want to help you extend your abilities to see if that shield can cover anyone else other than yourself." Was that possible?

"So the only reason you want me here to much is to use my mutation for your benefit."

Magneto shrugged. "I told you I wasn't going to lie." That wasn't going to work. Even though I was no longer chained to the wall, I still felt trapped. All the metal in my bones meant I could escape from him. How was I supposed to get out of here. Lie my way out?

"Well, at least you're not pretending to care for me, which is probably worse." That lie was so easy to say it made me think about whether it was a lie or not. Magneto smirked.

"Good. Then we have an arrangement." He and his minions exited the room, leaving me by myself and locking the door behind them. Great. How was I supposed to get out now?

A/N: Omigod I totally forgot about this story. Yeah, I'm giving up. I was kind of just creating drama left right and center but there is no story. Not one I can be bothered working on anyway. So I guess that's it. That's the end. Thanks for reading if you miraculously got this far (How on earth did you manage getting this far). Thanks for putting up with my bullshit on this book and I encourage you to look at my other books.

Ta ta for now my lovelies

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