Hold On Tight - Payton

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Word count: 1850

I try so steady my breathing, but no how hard I try, I can't. I had the hang of this. Well, I thought I did...

I look down at my wrist that is secured to the guard rail of the gurney I'm on. It's turning blue slightly.

Then I hear the door to the room open. It's Holly!

"Holly!" I manage from behind the mask that's covering from my face. She comes over to me and helps me to sit up. She's really scrubbed up, more than I've ever seen her before.

"How are you feeling, Payton?" She asks. I lift my arm to show her it. "Oh, it's too tight. I am so sorry!"

And she loosens it, but doesn't let me out. "Why are you doing this to me? I haven't done anything." I tell her, a few tears running down my face. She wipes them away with her gloved finger and brings a chair over, taking a seat.

She breathes out, sighing. Then looks to me. "I should be honest with you."

"The truth would be nice... It's 6 p.m, Holly. I was supposed to be transported by ambulance around 2 p.m. That was hours ago."

"I know, but I'm afraid that's been put on hold now. But I promise I'll do everything I can to keep that bed open for you, but it also depends on how you're test results come back."

"I don't understand what's happening, Holly..."

"Payton, sweetie, Gabriel has gotten sick, okay? We had to seperate you two while you undergo testing and he goes up to medical for... treatment."

"Why did you bring me to the break room?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, but we had to place you somewhere. It'll be okay though, I promise."

"Holly, I want to leave. Just transfer me or cancel my involuntary commitment order. You can change you're mind."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. My colleague, Sonia signed off on that and so did the on call Psychatrist alongside I."

"What do you want from me?"

"Payton, Gabriel is unwell. Do you understand that?"

I shake my head. "So what if he is? A flu never really hurt anybody."

"Well, I'd argue that it's debatable, but this isn't just like getting the flu."

"Then, what is it?"

"Payton, you've been kissing him and been in close contact with him, living in the same room as him. We have to test you and a whole waiting room of people now who we have no where to place."

"What are you saying?"

"I don't want to scare you, but do you remember the thing's you saw before the firefighters who saved you, brought you here?"

I think about it, then shiver. "Do you remember?" She asks. I nod slowly, biting back tears.

"Is that was he has? Whatever is making people act like that?"

She nods painfully. "I'm afraid so."
I start to struggle to breathe normally.

"Hey, hey, focus on me. Breathe in, hold it for 5 seconds, and let it out."

I manage to follow her instructions. "There we go. Good, good."

"Holly, am I going to die? Are you guys going to kill me? I don't want to die!"

"I don't know anything, Payton, I'm sorry. If you're test comes back negative, you'll be okay. We don't know how this spreads though. It was assumed via biting, but it could transmit via droplets and/or saliva too."

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