Plans Change - Payton

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Word count: 1408


I feel weird. It's like coming too, rather than waking up. Struggling to open my eyes, they flutter instead, but I can make out the basic scenery. I'm in our room, the lights off.

I look over to Gabe, his slumped backwards in his chair, looking at the ceiling. "Gabe, are you awake?" I ask, but he doesn't respond.

I sit up, bringing my hand to my head because it lightly aches, but I can't, something's holding my arm down. I hold my gasp, seeing what it is.

Leather restraint. What did I do?
Then Gabe starts drooling a bit. "Gabe?" I cry. "Gabe! My god, someone help us, please!" I scream and the door opens immediately, Security bolting in. One turns around to fetch a doctor.

"Help him!" I beg the other Guard and he starts attending to Gabe. The other Guard returns with a doctor.

"What's wrong with him?" I beg. "I'll find out. Just stay calm, Payton." The Doctor tells me.

He wipes Gabe's drool away and I see him leave the room, returning less than a second later with a syringe and he jabs Gabe.

Gabe stops drooling, but he doesn't wake. The doctor stands up, turning to look at me. "What happened to him?" I ask.

"Allergic reaction to something he was given. He'll be fine."

"That doesn't reassure me! His unconscious, what did he react too?!"

"I'm not at liberty to divulge that, Payton."

"Where's Holly? I want to see Holly!"

"Holly's with the manager of the Hospital. She's not available right now. Maybe I can help?"

I pull on the leather, showing him. Is it not obvious? "Holly is my treating doctor so you bring her here. Interrupt them, I don't care about the director." I snarl.

He looks scared. "Uh, okay. I'll go t-talk to them..." And he scurries off. I flop back down to the bed, sighing and watching Gabe, worried for him.


"And you better not screw up again, understood? Once more, and your ass is done. You can go move back over to your regular hospital."

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. We understand eachother."

I hear talking outside, but I can't make it out. It's fuzzy.

"Hey Payton, are you awake?"

I open my eyes, someone gently trying to wake me, their hand on my arm.

"What?" I murmur, shifting uncomfortably because of the restraints.

"It's me, Holly. My colleague you said you asked for me?"

"Holly, check on, Gabe." I beg. "He was drooling."

Her eyes go wide and she sprints over to him. "Gabe, can you hear me?"

He shifts, opening his eyes and sits up straight, groaning. "Ah, fuck. My head is killing me." He says, clutching one hand to his head. Holly pulls out a small ipad and looks something up.

"Says here, you we're adminstered a sedative. You're allergic and was given something to stop it.

How do you feel now?" She says.

"Other than a headache, fine."

"Is your vision normal?"

"I'm fine."

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