Introductions - Gabriel

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Word count: 1986


I trudge along a corridor behind a group of others who I came here with. I and others still alive we're put into groups together and sent to the nearest Hospital. We're still in Crescent-Port. As we keep walking having come from a back entrance, I hear the whispers of the crowd. Yep, they know who I am. "Gabriel!"

I look up from staring at my feet to see my Agent up just ahead and I slip out of the crowd, heading up to him.

"Hey, how are you?" He asks, hugging me, patting my back strongly. I pull back. "Uh, okay for the most part. Well, other than seeing one of my friends die before my eyes.

My entire entourage is dead, I'm sure of it." I tell him. "Oh, that is no good, but don't worry, we'll sort this whole mess out. Have you got your stuff?"

He asks. "Yeah." I answer, showing him by gym bag, phone and wallet.

"That's good, how about you let me have it and I'll have it stored somewhere safe?" He asks. "Sure, thanks." I shrug, handing it to him.

"You're most welcome Mr Gabriel." He responds, holding it. "Now, uh - I've spoken to the concert hall, your show tonight is cancelled. Crescent-Port hasn't descended completely into chaos, but the roads have blockades up and there is going to be a message from the government in coming hours.

Now say-" But then he pauses. "Oh, you're clothes are lightly splattered, Gabe."

"Yes. Yes, they are." I respond. "And I'm walking around shirtless. I mean, I'm sure it's eye candy for all the ladies, but I should get a shirt and a change of pants. I can't stay like this can I?"

"No, come with me. I have some spare clothes I can get you. They will be a little big, but they will fit you somewhat. I hope you don't mind that they're mine?"

"Not at all, lead the way." I tell him and we start to turn the corridor when a Hospital staff member gets in our way. "Uh, excuse me, Mr Gabriel-" But my my Agent halts the nurse.

"I'm his agent, you talk to me. His a Celebrity."

"Oh... Yes, of course. Where are my manners?" Asks the Nurse, looking slightly peeved. I mean, he is just doing his job, but... "Gabriel here should be seen by a doctor. We have a protocol we have to run through for everyone who enters the Hospital. I can have a wheelchair here in a minute-"

"Nonsense, he's fine. Look at him, his a shining beacon! Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to get him a change of clothes and then we'll further consult with eachother about his affairs, thank you." Says my Agent, pushing past the Nurse. "Come along, Gabe." He calls.

"Uh, right. Sorry." I whisper to the Nurse when he grasps my arm. "Me letting you go is kind of against our rules. I get it that you're a celebrity and all, but... Well, are you okay?

No fever, not feeling nauseous or sick in anyway? Stuff like that?"

"I feel fine." I tell him.

"I know, but you're clothes are covered in blood-"

"It's only a very light splatter, I'm fine, I promise."

"Okay then... If we can have your blood spattered clothes after, is that fine?"

"Sure, go ahead. Knock yourself out, I won't be needing them." I tell him and he hands me a toxic waste bag and a pair of disposable latex free gloves which I take, walking off, following my Agent. We're just going to nip to his car then come back in and find a bathroom I can change in.

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