Waiting Room - Gabriel

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Word count: 1831


I sit on a plastic chair, tapping my fingers on the arm, waiting for some time till I hear the door open. My head snaps up instantly and I see a doctor standing there with brown hair in two buns. Her name-tag says, Holly. I go to open my mouth to speak, but she cuts me off, adjusting her glasses and walks in, closing the door behind her and takes a seat in a chair infront the desk with a monitor.

"Do you understand why we separated you Mr Gabriel from your Agent?"

"No..." I answer.

"Well, allow me to tell you right now that as a Doctor, we have to look out for our patients and you're Agent poses a risk to you."

"What? No! No, he doesn't-"

"Then what kind of person tells you to ignore a Hospital's advice? You and him should really be seen by someone, me. That's why we separated you both, I wanted to meet with you. You've been walking around for quiet a while so we're more than satisfied that you're okay despite being found in a high-risk area, but I'd like to talk and give you a medical assessment anyway.

You can confide me in too, you're a person. Being a celebrity doesn't mean you can ignore our rules, but also you're a person as I just said. You were an ordinary citizen once were you not? You may have money, you may be famous, but you're still human, Gabriel at the end of the day and I in particular as a Doctor? Don't take bull-shit from anyone.

Now, how do you feel?"

I sink into my chair. She sighs. "It's a good idea to talk to me, Gabriel." She says, turning to the computer. I see she is pulling up my medical file.

Needless to say, we don't talk much and I can she is quiet ticked off with me and she does a basic medical assessment, then let's me go, but not far before forcing me to change into some patient P.j's and clicking a green hospital band around my wrist after a normal ID bracelet that I can't break either off.

When we're done, I turn to leave, but she calls me back.

"And Gabriel?"

"What?" I groan and she glares at me. "You should prioritize your own needs over your Agents. Do what's best for you and if you ever do want to talk, I'll be right here. I can provide some assistance and if I can't, I can make referrals. Being a star isn't all it's cracked up to be and I think you know that. You're agent doesn't have your best interests in mind, just saying Mr Gabriel."

"So in other words, based on my medical report and fancy insurance, you know my past you think and don't tell me anything about a man I trust with my life, I don't want to hear it."

"You know I'm right and... The real you?"

"I guess if you want to call it that, yeah..."

"I do. You've come a long way from when you were younger, but you're starting to slide backwards. Be careful and an extra word of advice too? The world doesn't revolve around just you also, maybe try giving a care about someone else for a change. That's all for now. You may leave."

And then she dismisses me. On my way back to reception, I feel my heart start to weigh after the home truths that Doctor dished out. "Mr Gabriel?" A voice calls out. "Yes?" I ask, turning around to see a Nurse. "Dr Holly just sent through a message. She asked if the Kitchen can supply you some breakfast. I have a breakfast wrap and some apple juice for you. You must be hungry?"

"Oh, that's kind... Thank you and yes, I am..." I respond, taking them from his hands, truly grateful. "Yes, she is rather caring." He responds and I notice his grinning widely and nods his head, then goes on his way that I'm left alone so I go on my way to eat 'breakfast.'

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