End Of The World - Gabriel

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Word count: 1586


I peek around the corner slowly with Payton beside me to spy on what's going on. There is a-lot of new people here all of a sudden. The Hospital stopped taking patients early on in the day so how did these people gain admittance?

And then I see it, her. She's one of Cresent-Port's government officials and around my age and Holly's. We're all a little older than Payton and I look over her blazer and short, straight blonde hair with few curls.

"Who is it you're looking at?" Payton asks. "I'm not cheating." I respond back quickly. "Gabe." She pushes.

"That's Anna Cheshire." I tell her, pointing. "She's from the government body here."

"Well, finally they're moving plans along hopefully. I mean, I'm thankful we both we're rescued, but..." She trails off.

And then I see her eyes widen. "What is it?" I ask. "And there's a member of my city's government!" She smiles, pointing to a young man with scruffy hair.

"Johnathan Myer."

"The AMA and CDC board has been notified, Holly. They're on their way." Johnathan Myer says. His speaking to Holly and so is Anna Cheshire too.

"Uh, cool. That's great! Cause we're hauling bodies right now in the morgue and it's quickly getting out of hand.

They need to be disposed of, and this is a Hospital. We have alot of healthy people who we don't want getting sick and we're short-staffed and pushed for resources and beds, sissy." Holly complains and Payton turns to look at me at the word, 'morgue'

I hope she doesn't begin to remember what she saw...

"Wait, sissy?" Payton comments and then we realize that Anna and Holly are sharing a hug. Holly's badge... The last name on it is Cheshire.

"Sisters?" We both say at the same time, but then both scale back. "Either half, no-identical or one is adopted." I tell her and she nods softly.

"What's the total death toll looking at, at the moment? And what's the Crescent-Port & Sully's next course of action going to be? Has contact been made with other city's?" Holly questions.

"1,745 people in Sully & 2,569 here in Crescent. We don't know what's causing people to turn into mindless, flesh-eating monsters and all contact outside of both out city's has been lost and with outside the country.

We're all alone now, only have eachother to depend on. The decision has been made that both our boarders will remain closed indefinitely.

Looks like this is the end of the world, Holly." Anna explains. Holly gasps audibly and places a hand on heart.

"What? N-no... My friends, extended family..." Payton chokes out and she starts sinking to the floor. "Payton, shh, it's okay. We still have eachother, you and me. Holly's here too and our city's are still standing. Even if this is it, we can still survive this."

"B-but people are dead..."

"And we've both lost people..."

And she starts crying harder and pulls out of my gentle embrace and runs towards Johnathan. I see fear run through him and Anna. I see a slither of a bullet proof vest peek out underneath their clothes and they're armed.

"No, stop! She's human, human!" I shout, pushing myself to spring and manage to catch up to Payton and pull her into a hug, my back to Anna and Johnathan who have guns in their hands now, loaded.

"If you want to kill her, kill me too." I tell them confidentially. "Alright, no, no, no one's being shot through the head!" Holly speaks up, having them back off and they place the safety back on their weapons and conceal them.

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