In The Rose Garden - Payton

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Word count: 2256


I can hear someone walking back and fourth in my room. Opening my eyes, it's Gabriel. His pacing. "Gabriel?" I call out from the bed.

He halts and turns to look at me. "Y-Yeah?" He stammers. "Are you okay?" I ask, sitting up and I wring the slight sweat out of my ponytail. I feel slightly feverish and sniffle. "I feel the same way." He murmurs. "Allergies?" I respond. "Always, fucking allergies!" He jokes.

"Hey, so uh - c-can I sit down?" He asks, gesturing to the end of my bed. "Uh, sure I guess. We're stuck here in close proximity to eachother." I shrug.

"I'm so happy, Holly has a heart and didn't throw me out to the 'Zombies'" He laughs. "I'm sorry, what?" I answer, still feeling drugged out slightly. He chuckles and covers his mouth, then removes his hand a moment later.

"That's me, insulting my son of a Zombie, Manager!"

"Oh... That's funny, Gabriel. Is this the start of non-stop Zombie puns, jokes and one liners?"

"Maybeeeee..." He grins, cheekily, showing off a toothy smile. "This is awesome." I grin.

"And you will see more over the coming days, Payton!"

I frown. "Well, we'll never see eachother again actually... Once a inpatient mental health bed is found for me and... Wait, what's happening to you?"

"Oh, I should probably explain that..."

"Only if you want too, Gabriel."

"Call me, Gabe." He smiles.

"Oh, okay. Gabe it is then!" I smile back. "Hey, so, uh... I was thinking..." He murmurs. "Thinking what?" I respond.

"Thinking what if you and me took a walk amongst some roses... Maybe, stop and smell them even?"

"Uh, I don't think Holly or Security would let us get too far, Gabe. And even if we successfully snuck out of this place, where are we goanna find a rose garden?"

"Because there is an enclosed garden for patients here. I asked and one of the Nurses said there's a few flowers. roses being one of them."

"Well, why didn't you say so?!" I laugh. "I just did!" He responds, laughing and I punch him in the shoulder.

"So, how about it? Wanna take a walk? It might do us some good, we can clear our heads. Being confined in one room can send one slightly stir-crazy."

"I'd love too, thank you." I smile. "Cool, I'll go ask for us. The staff here will have a bigger freakout if you leave the room than they will towards me." He explains. I nod and watch him leave the room to find someone.


"Okay, guys. You have 15 minutes, no more right now. We'll see how you go and we'll look at extending your time in the coming days as transferring you guys won't be a quick turn around due to this... 'Apocalypse', but it's under control. Crescent-Port and Sully have things under control, I promise." A nurse tells us, unlocking a door and she shows us outside to the patient garden. It's enclosed walls, but is beautifully carved and there is spirals holding up a shaded area with wooden benches with pillows all around a fountain that's running and tons of plants and indeed roses like Gabe explained to me are everywhere amongst other plants alongside flowers.

"Thank you." He tells the Nurse. "It's no problem. Enjoy, guys." She smiles, leaving us and we start to stroll around, sunlight baking down on us.

"It's not bad weather out, huh?" Gabe murmurs. "No, not at all. Super sunny and I see fluffy clouds above for an apocalypse. Sully hardly ever has weather like this." I respond. He opens his mouth to say something, but my big mouth keeps talking so he closes his.

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