Waiting Room - Payton

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Word count: 2686


"Now, try and remember what we taught you this morning, yeah? You perfect it and it will be easier to use anytime you need for the long run." She tells me. "Y-Yes, Holly. B-breathing, r-right?" I stammer out.

"Yes, and I'm sorry we sedated you before Payton, but it was necessary."

"I-I know..."

"Good and here." She tells me, placing a weighted blanket on my lap and I lean back in my chair out in reception. "How does it feel?" She asks.


"Good. Now, I need to run back to doctoring, but you try and relax out here, yeah? Reception is just over there and if you need anything, ask.

Also, I can paged and come out here to you, but please do mindful, I have things to do, Payton. Now, are you going to be okay out here on your own for the moment? If not, I can have a Security Guard sit with you as we have no spare beds available right now, but we're doing what we can to have that shift in the next couple of hours."

"I'll be fine."

"Okay. When I have a spare moment, I'll check on you myself, but till then, try and keep your chin up, Payton. It will be okay in the long run."

And then she hands me a bowl of steaming hot stew with rice and some vegetables next to a bottle of orange juice. "Food?" I ask.

"Yes, a full night has elapsed since the apocalypse began and after we sedated you too... It's the next day. Wednesday. Had a feeling you would be hungry, try and eat up if you can."

She gives me a brief hug, swipes her identification and is gone back to behind the scenes of the busy emergency room. I look up at the Tv that's playing. Normal programming has been suspended it says, but there is no news on right now. It's just showing the weather forecast, the date, time. Stuff like that. I yawn and look to the leafy pot-plant beside me and the small window. The streets don't look dead here in Crescent-Port unlike Sully, but there is a lack of people on them as opposed to first-respondents. Block-aid's have been set up and any civillian who is on the street is being re-directed to a place of safety.

Here, another Hospital, a fire department, a police station, other places too. Anywhere that it gets people off the streets. I turn away from looking out at the morning sun that's shining in and tuck into my food. I didn't realize how hungry I actually was after biting into this.

As I eat, I hear voices and look to see a young man and woman around my age outside together with a few friends and they're pulling on the entry door which doesn't open. They don't look greatly injured and I see the receptionist pick up a receiver to speak to them after watching them for a few seconds through a monitor near her. There is a speaker on the otherside of the door. "I'm sorry, but this Hospital is officially over capacity so we're not accepting anymore patients. There is another Hospital in the next area which I know has space.

Transport has been set up to help people move around more easily outside by the government. If you wait at the nearest bus station, a bus will be along shortly. They're running on 5 minute intervals." And then she hangs up. The group nods and leaves.

I relax and go to finish eating when I hear someone plant themselves on the chair next to me. "Hey?"

I look up to see a young man there, holding a breakfast wrap and a bottle of juice, but it's Apple flavored as opposed to my orange one. "What do you want?" I ask, shaking my head and let out a yawn. "You tired?" He asks.

"What do you want?" I repeat, snapping as I stare him down. He is dressed in some patient clothes and has an I.D Bracelet and a green bracelet around his wrist much like my own. "It's me." He says. "Who is 'me'? I don't have friends." I respond.

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