Chapter 24

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It was one morning, Anne is planning to enter to college to let all people know women can do it. I'm proud of her, I hope she shows them women can enter. "Mother, what if both of the colleges don't accept-"
"Anne, don't worry. You went to take the exams to prove them, take a deep breath in and out." She breathe in and out until she was calm. "Elijah, what college are you going to?" Anne asked while playing with her hands nervously. "Yale, that's where father went, right mother?" I nodded. Even though I'm angry at him but, I can't since I love him dearly. I hear a door knocking furiously. I went over and opened the door. "Miss, this letter is for you. It's urgent." I nodded and close the door. I opened the letter and read from mother.

My dearest (Y/n),
I hope you're doing well. I have bad news. It's your father, he's not going to live long. He wants you and your family come quickly and wants to say his last goodbye. Please, he doesn't have time left.

I dropped the letter and tears started to fall out of my eyes. I dropped to the ground. Anne, Elijah, and Elias went up to me. "Mother, what's wrong?"
"Elijah, Anne, Elias... pack your suitcases, we're going to your grandfather. He won't live long." They started to cry and hug me tightly. We were crying around for 5 minutes and packed our stuff. I went Ben's library and knocked. "Come in." I went in. Ben saw me and can tell I was crying. "Dear, what happened?" I tried not cry but a tear fell out. "Father is ill, he won't live much longer." He hugged me and comforting me. "Prepare our suitcases, I'll get a carriage." I nodded. I went upstairs to pack and finding the right words to say goodbye to father. We left and got on the carriage. Ben asked if they could go fast, it's a bumping road but, I hope it's not too late.

Few hours later...

We arrived in 3 hours. They told us not to worried about the suitcases and hurry to my father. We arrived to father's room, I went up to him and said, "Father..." holding his hand while I'm crying. "(Y/n), my daughter, my grandchildren, please come closer. I know this is sad but, please, Anne, Elijah, Elias. Take good care of your mother." They nodded and started to talk to Ben. "My son, thank you and please continue taking care of my daughter." He nodded. "Don't worry, I will take good care of her before and after when your gone." I knew this could be my last chance to say goodbye. "Father, thank you for taking care of me from the past, even with my children." He nodded and gave me a paper. "Please, read it. Your mother agree about this." I nodded. I hugged him the last time and took his last breathe. He died. "...father...NO!" I wail out and crying in his arms. Ben came to me and took me away from my father's body. I hugged him tightly burst of tears. Anne was crying since she loved him dearly ever since she was a child.
Days later, people are crying and feeling bad since my father's death. I had to be alone and didn't want to see anyone right in this moment.

Anne p.o.v

It's been days after grandfather died. I missed him dearly, mother wouldn't eat after his death and wants to be alone. I'm worried about her. I went upstairs to give her a bit of food so she could eat. I enter into her room and seemed emotionless. "Mother, you have to eat something. You didn't eat in a few days, please." I though she wouldn't listen but, she ate a bit. "Anne, did you know your grandfather wanted you to go to college. He was excited and was waiting for your acceptance. Even your marriage and have great- grand children." I smiled and knowingly he would want it to. "Mother, continue eating, I'm going out for a bit." She nodded. I left and close the door. I went to father, "Father, mother is eating a bit." He nodded and I left his library. I know mother is still upset of what happened but, she's forgiving him little by little. I heard a knocked and went to see who it was. "Philip, what are doing here?"
"I want to see if your okay." I though about a few seconds. "Not really."
"Do you want to take a walk with me?" I nodded. I close the door behind me. We went to a nearby park and started to talk. "How are you and Theodosia?" I asked. I don't want to ask him because ever since Theodosia told me she loves him, I was upset. I had to let my feelings go to her. I can't hurt her since she's my best friend. "Okay, I decided to cut things out." He what. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I though I would have feelings for her but, I didn't. I have it for someone else." I'm about to cry since I have feelings with him. I can't do it any longer, I have to leave. "I have to go Philip. It was nice talking to you." When I said it, I knew tears are out. I heard him say, "Anne!" I ran and he ran behind me and caught me. "Philip, please let me go."
"Not until you tell what's going on"
"Philip, I have to go"
"Is it from Theodosia?"
"It's- it's not-"
"Then what is it?" I know I'm trapped, I can't have my feelings hurt more. I pushed him and almost ran but, he grabbed my wrist and pulled my face to his lips. I want to stop but, I couldn't. I kissed him back. "Anne, I have feelings for you. I can't force to love someone I don't." I hugged him and he hugged me back. We decided to have this our secret until we graduate college. We went back to my house. "I'll write you, even we don't go to the same college, I'll write to you 4 times a week." I nodded and kiss him goodbye. I went up to the guest room and locked the door and was dancing happily. But, what I didn't expect something terrible tragedy will happen to me and Philip.


(Y/n) p.o.v
Anne is graduating a year early. Elias is going to King's college. I'm happy my daughter is courting someone. Ben wasn't happy she was courting. "Ben, please just listen..."
"Dear, I think it's too young for her to court someone."
"Anne is 18. She wrote me we're going to have dinner with him tonight with his mother and his father."
"What if-" i went up to him and kissed him. "Ben, please. I know your worried about Anne but, she's a young lady. Please take this in consideration." He nodded and hugged me. "I'm glad your not mad." "Ben, it's in the past. Now focus, I need to make dinner. We have guest tonight." He nodded and left me prepared dinner.
After I finished Elijah and Elias came to me. "Mother, Elias is going to King's college." I looked at Elias and hugged him. "I'm glad, Elijah, when are you going to court?" He didn't want to answer and knowingly he's in love with a girl. "Elijah, help me set up the table, Elias your father wants to see you." He nodded and left. I heard a knock and wento to open. "Anne, I missed you. Eliza, Alexander, what you doing on a fine night. Come in." I gave them tea and talked for a bit. "(Y/n), how are you and Ben?" "We're doing fine. I'm happy your son and my daughter are courting."
"I couldn't agree more. She grew a beautiful young lady. I can't wait to have grandchildren." We laughed. I wished father could have seen them together.


It's was a fine dinner, except, Ben isn't sure to trust Philip. I could tell easily since his father made the pamphlet and he has the rights to not trust him. "Ben, you need to eat and stop-" "No, I want to see the reason and make sure he doesn't hurt my daughter." He whisper and looked at him. "Give me a reason why should I accept your hand of marriage of my daughter?" I looked at Anne and seemes to be nervous. "Ben, you could talk in the library." I whisper. He got up, "Philip, follow me." They went inside and Anne seems to be more nervous. "Anne, it's going to be alright." I hold her assuring. I went behind the door to heard what they are saying. "Mother. What are you doing?" I looked at her. "Anne, is it better to know now than waiting." Eliza nodded. We went behind the door and try to heard what they were talking about. I heard books were slammed, we looked and heard nothing for one minute. We heard someone opening the door, we let the door quickly and acted we weren't listening. "Anne, do you truly love him?" He looked at her and she nodded. " have my blessings." Anne was smiling and went to Philip and hugged him. "You're both going to be married after you both graduated from college." Eliza was smiling for his son getting married. "Eliza, you want me to go home with you?" She nodded and we both left Philip and Anne alone. I'm happy he accepted Philip. I went to Ben, "Ben, what's with books slamming into the floor?" He looked at me and smile. "I did it to scare Anne for a bit, Philip knows it." I chuckled and went to drop off Eliza. What would go wrong after they're married?

If anyone notice, I thank that person for noticing about one small detail in this chapter. I appreciate it because while I was writing the chapter, mu brain went off since I was tired from school work. Thank you for reading and I'll try my best to get the small thing right. Thank you!

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