Chapter 14

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(Y/n) p.o.v

I'm waiting for Eliza and Peggy to come to have some tea. It's been a while I haven't seen them. I prepared tea and the recipe for my well-known cookies. I wrote to Lafayette to come in the evening for the wedding planning. I really miss Ben, even I have to accept the fact I'll get married. He told me he'll come to the wedding and that's it from what I heard of him. Before Peggy and Eliza came, I change to my dress to a little comfortable one and wanted to see if I should wear it more. I went downstairs and saw Peggy and Eliza waiting for me. "Peggy, Eliza, thanks for coming," I said happily and they're my trusted friends who I can tell my secret. "We're fine, and thanks for the invitation," Eliza said. "How's the pregnancy, Eliza?" I asked. She's seen to be six months pregnant and going to deliver in January. "The baby is fine, a little bit of changes but, good." When we outside to have tea since it's a nice day. "How are you feeling (y/n), your mother told me you needed company since you broke down yesterday," Peggy started the conversation. She knows when I'm really fine. "(Y/n), you could trust us, tell me, what's in your mind?" Eliza asked kindly and knowing her friend can't keep it in. "Peggy, Eliza, the reason is because... I don't want to get married," before I could finished Eliza said, "It's fine, sometimes you feel you can't be ready for marriage-" I have to interrupt her. "No, I don't want to marry the man I love," I said. I did that? They're probably going to to tell everyone. "(Y/n), we kinda knew you didn't want to marry Lafayette," Eliza said. "How did you know-" before I could finish Eliza continue. "I notice it when your really in love. Remember the winter ball? I could really see you are truly in love with Major Tallmadge. I have seen it to Angelica to Alexander but, are you really going to marry Lafayette?" When Eliza asked me I told myself yeah because of my father and I'm not going to be happy, I know who's in my heart truly. "I really love Ben, I can't marry to man I don't love, also is my mom near the door?" I asked and Peggy to check and said no. " Peggy, will you tell Eliza about my plan and also, I'll add what I heard last night before I went to sleep." I told to Peggy and explaining to Eliza. I hope this works.

Later in the evening...

I was waiting for Lafayette since I told him I wanted to take a walk and talk. "(Y/n), Lafayette is here," my father said and went downstairs quickly. "I'll return soon father," I said and hugged me and went to Lafayette. "Mon ami, how are you?" I asked even, his english is getting better. "I'm fine, what do you want to talk about?" He asked. "I know about the plan my father told you," after I said it, he stopped walking. "(Y/n), how did you know-," before he could finish I have to said what I wanted to say. "I know my father really well. He told to marry for love and putting the arranged marriage for his own daughter could marry the man she loves." I said. "I want your help since we're getting   "married" and want Ben to stop the wedding," I told him. He agreed and he told me he wanted me and Ben to get married after the war is over. I started to tell him what's my plan before the wedding.

Ben p.o.v
I should have to Washington before she was courting Lafayette. I felt guilt in my guts and telling me How can I stop the wedding I thought. I saw the necklace saw return from me and always thought about her face, lips, her personality and so much more. This is the plan I have. I have to stop the wedding. And I can't lose her, not yet. (Y/n), I can't forget about you, I love you and will never give up mu heart to another woman I don't love. I'm coming (Y/n), wait for me.

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