Chapter 4

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(Y/n) p.o.v

Okay, it''s been two days non-stop with the horse. I just need to get there before he gets there. I saw a store and went inside to buy a dress since I didn't bring one and not making the men suspicious of me. "(Y/n), what are you doing here?" I turned around to see who it is and saw Hercules Mulligan. "Hello Hercules, I just came here to buy a dress," I said and looking at some dresses. "I think I'm going to show you a dress that you'll like," he said and looking into the dresses behind his store and came back with a beautiful cream-green dress. "Thanks, Hercules, may I change the dress here," I asked and making sure he doesn't get the wrong way. "Sure, there's a room to the left," he said and seems to be wondering why I'm wearing men's clothes. "Thanks also, here's the money-" "It's fine, don't give it to me and explain why you're wearing men clothes," he said looking at the clothes I have. "Fine, but another time, I'm trying to get home as possible before my dad gets there," I said and notice that I have to be home soon. "Okay, but tell me when you're coming again," he said. After he finished, I went out of the store quickly and went up the Lafayette horse. It's been the past 3 days and one more day to get home. I saw my father going to rest in a hotel, perfect, I thought and it gives me more time to be ahead of him.

One day later...

George p.o.v

Three more days until my daughter birthday. I don't know what to get my daughter since she always appreciates everything. She must love something like, o course, she needs a new violin and it's been 8 years that my daughter needed a new violin. know she doesn't want me to waste money. It's been a long carriage ride to get home before I get home, I'm going writing a birthday letter to (y/n). Dear (Y/n), Happy birthday. It's been 22 years ever since I had you and I know you are a young lady. Hopefully finding what you want to do and fighting for your rights for women. You have been the best present ever since you were born, and I know you'll do something great in the future. I hope you'll find a good husband, even though there's a lot of men who wanted my blessing to court you. I won't allow men to court until I know he'll be a good husband for you. I know you are the sweetest and intelligent daughter I ever have. I know you'll be a good housewife, a mother, debate, and being able to speak different languages and various different instruments. I hope you have a great birthday. Your Father, George Washington

That should do. I hope she likes her present and the letter I wrote to her. I hope she gets to court soon. I want the best husband for my daughter.

25th February 1778

(Y/n) p.o.v

Today's my birthday and I came home just in time before my father. I put the dress I bought from Hercules since it's beautiful and I love the design. I hope my father loves the dress. Also, I made cooked my father's favorite food since he came from a long ride.

During dinner...

"Father, thanks for coming for my birthday," I said to my father knowing that he won't come back since the revolutionary war. This is good because I don't need him to be suspicious of me. "(Y/n), I have a present to give you," he said and I didn't want him to give me anything. "Is that a Stradivarius? Father, I can't accept it." I said trying not to cry since I wanted it when I was little. "Sweetie, don't cry and thanks for helping your mother making dinner and always being obedient," he said since he never had a kind daughter like me. "Anyways, are you seeing anyone?" My father asked and I looked at him with a serious face. "Father, I'm still waiting for that person, not for my looks, just how they like how I am." He seems to understood. "It seems to be late, I have to leave early tomorrow," he said and kissed my forehead. "Father your 6'2", right?" I asked and trying to estimate my height. He nodded and I said, "You know that I'm 5'7", right?" He seems to understand that and told me to go to bed since he seems to notice I'm exhausted. Yes, I'm exhausted from my long journey of the revolutionary war to come here home. I need to leave early from my father.

3rd person p.o.v

While (Y/n) was taking off her dress and corset, she was looking for her nightgown in her dresser and saw a letter. When was it? She thought and remembering her first friend. His eyes are similar like Major Tallmadge she though. She put the letter in the pocket of her uniform inside and though again I'll not forget you. After she thought that she went to sleep. One thing she didn't know is that she didn't read who's her friend name.

Unknown Love (Benjamin Tallmadge x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora