Chapter 13

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(Y/n) p.o.v

I had enough. The sooner I have the wedding the better and the faster I get Ben out of my head and life. I told father if we could move the wedding in 2 months instead of the day of my birthday, and surprisingly he agreed. I'm going to regret this later but, this is for my own benefit and what he said 2 nights ago, I meant it, I wasn't lying nor I was playing with his feelings. I know and he probably knows that I truly love, and we know each other for 3 years. I wrote to Benjamin saying:

My dearest friend, Benjamin                                                                                                              I know you didn't mean it but, I forgive you. This is why I  wanted to give a piece of information ahead of time before anyone gets the news. I'm being wed in 2 months. I hope and wished you could come to my wedding of me and Lafayette. I'm sorry but, this is the only choice that I have. What I told you 2 nights ago was true, I love you and I wasn't playing your feelings. My father wanted me to get wed before or at the age of 25. I want to say, I will never forget you and you will be always in my heart and will never forget my first love and my last one. Remember the gift I gave when we were little? Well, I still have yours and will always have your gift when I'm alive and in the death of my grave will always be with me. Please, forget about me. I know you could find someone else better than me. You're always going to be my friend now and forever. I'm sorry.       
                  Yours forever truly,                                              (Y/n) Washington

I knew I was crying and this is really heartbreaking letter I wrote. I sealed my letter and went outside to drop off my correspondence. I knew this is the part where I put my necklace in the correspondence that he gave me before I left the camp.

In the past... 
                                                                                                                                          "Ben, what is that you have in your hand?" I asked curiously and wondering what he's giving me. "(Y/n), my love, I know we won't see each other after we won the war, I wanted to give this to you," he said and it was a necklace of me on the left side and Ben on the right side. "Why is there a picture on you in the right and me on the left?" "The reason is so you could remember me and don't forget how I look like," he said and hugging me tightly. "So this is our goodbye, huh. Remember, there's no one that could replace you in my heart," I said and kissed him passionately. Our goodbyes will be the worst but best when we will get married when the war is over

In present...

I can't ave what I wanted before I lost him. I feel like a lost person. I have to talk to someone to give me advice. I went to my mother and since she was at my father's library, I knocked on the door and asked, "Mother, do you have a moment?" "Yes, what is it (Y/n)?" My mother asked. I tried not to break down but, I couldn't. I started to cry and mother went up to me and hugged me. "How about we talk about it over tea?" I nodded and we went downstairs to prepare tea. "Do you want any company, I prefer it better," my mother said and told me to write and letter. I wrote a letter to Eliza and Peggy since I trust those two better and invited for tea. Before I dropped my correspondence, I saw Peggy and Eliza walking up to me. "How are you (Y/n)?" Eliza asked. "I'm fine, how's  Alexander?" "Alexander is working a lot more and writing like he's running out of time but, he's good," she said and I asked them if they want to join tea for tomorrow. They agreed. "Peggy, Can I talk for you a bit, privately?" I asked and nodded and told Eliza she'll catch up later. "Listen, I asked you if you could help me?" I started to tell about what I plan to do. She knows I'm in love with Ben and so does Lafayette. I'm going to write a letter to Lafayette about my plan.

George p.o.v

The meeting with congress is becoming difficult. I came home from a long day. I saw my wife waiting for me and wanted to talk to me in private in my office. "Honey, do you think the plan will work?" She asked me. "I'm having the same thought, I feel our daughter is getting more hurt." I nodded and hugged her and was telling me she cried today and couldn't handle it. What have I done? "George, should we tell her?" I thought about it for a second and she might be mad. "I don't think so, and we could cancel the wedding but, we already got their confirmation and already prepared the wedding," I said. this is really a big mess. "George, I'm going to find a way how she feels, I'll tell you tomorrow night since she's going to have tea with me, Eliza and her sister Peggy," she said. I thanked her and I really appreciate her helping me. "Also, another thing, there's one more month left to the wedding, make sure our daughter changes her mind," I told her. After we finished having our conversation I kissed her lips and parted away and prepared to sleep.  

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