chapter {10 }

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Chapter 10 –

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, that is the end of our emergency safety demonstration. You all may move about as you wish and please let me know if you need anything." The flight attendant spoke to just Devon and Bray-Lynne.

Bray-Lynne hadn't realized just how many safety rules were in place until the lady had started talking. She had watched her mess with the life vest and the air mask thing that were up above their heads.

She looked over to Devon who was seated beside her; he had not taken his eyes off of his phone since they got on the plane and he was once again typing away at the phone's screen.

He then suddenly got up and walked to the cockpit, making sure to close the door behind him. Whatever he was doing; he definitely did not want her finding out. After a good thirty minutes Devon came back to his seat, sending Bray a smile before buckling them both up.

Once the plane was in the air, Bray- Lynne unbuckled herself and then dug around in her bag, fishing out her ear buds. She then plugged them into her phone and turned the volume up. Laying her head back and just enjoying the sweet sound of her favorite songs playing. She didn't really care where they went, as long as Jill's crazy ass wasn't there.


After fourteen hours of being in the air, it was finally time for the plane to land. Bray-Lynne was excited to be back on the ground and to finally know where they were.

"So I want you to put this on." Devon walked over to Bray-Lynne, a black, think blind fold in his hands.

"Why?" Bray-Lynne asked hesitantly.

"Do you trust me?" Devon asked her.

"Yes." Bray-Lynne spoke without hesitation. She knew deep down, she did trust him. With everything she was, she trusted him.

Devon smiled and then wrapped the blind fold around Bray's eyes, causing her world to go dark. Soon Devon was holding her hands and helping her down the stairs of the jet and on to the pavement.

The sun beat down on the top of her head. Wherever she was, she could tell it was a warm place. She loved the warm air that wrapped itself around her and just engulfed her in a blanket.

Devon held her hands as he walked her to their destination. He loved how she took deep breaths in hailing the scents around her, and how her soft pink lips turned up into a smile every time she did.

"When can this blind fold come off?" Bray-Lynne asked after a few minutes. She didn't know where Devon was leading her, but she liked all the sweet smells that attacked her nose and the warmth against her skin.

"You can in just a minute." Devon replied back.

Bray-Lynne didn't say anything back. She just relaxed as the wind blew around her, lifting up her hair and making it blow everywhere.

"Okay, you can take it off now." Devon spoke in her ear as he turned her around so her back was pressed against his front.

Bray-Lynne wasted no time in ripping the blind fold off. She flinched back at the sudden burst of bright sunlight that attacked her eyes, but as they adjusted she could not believe what she was looking at, a sign standing tall in front of her informing her of her current location.

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

"We're in fudging Brazil?" She asked, her voice full of excitement and wonder.

"Yes we are in Brazil." Devon laughed at her. She was nearly jumping in her spot. He had wanted this to be a private vacation for the two, so he brought her to Brazil where his family owned a vacation home with a private beach.

He also planned some other things for the two. Something he was looking forward to.

"Okay this is the best thing anyone has ever done for me!" Bray-Lynne squealed. "Does that even make sense?"

"Yes babe it does, now let's go we gotta get to the helicopter." Devon grabbed Bray's hand leading her over to the helicopter that was sitting on the helipad.

"We're riding in a helicopter?" Bray asked, her excitement reaching a whole new level.

Devon had never seen the look of pure excitement that was currently gracing Bray-Lynne's face. He felt his heart skip a beat.

What was this girl doing to him?

He helped her into the helicopter, and after only ten minutes it was lifting off the ground and taking them to their final destination.

She couldn't believe he had done all this for her. She felt honored. She never imagined doing something like this, and with Devon DiCaprio non the less.


It didn't take long for them to reach the beach house. Hiding behind trees stood a beautiful two story beach house, that was surrounded by palm trees and jungle, hiding it from the other home's that sat just right across the beach. Water separating each home.

Bray-Lynne was in a state of awe as Devon led her to the front steps of the beach home. The house was something else.

"Come on, I'm going to take you somewhere, so hurry up and change." Devon pushed Bray-Lynne into a room. On the bed sat four suitcases. All with her name on the name tag.

She was confused. She had only packed one. Where did the other three come from?

Going through each suitcase she found something that fit the weather and location.

Stripped out of her clothes she put on a two piece bikini, pulling a pair of white cut off shorts on and pairing it with a light blue tank top. When she was finished getting dressed she headed down the hall to where Devon was waiting for her. He was wearing a pair of tacky shorts and a short sleeved white shirt.

"So where too?" She asked as she walked over to where he was standing.

He looked up at her and put his phone in his pocket.

"'We're going on a hike to this amazing waterfall." He said as he held his hand out for her to take.


Bray-Lynne threw her head back laughing as Devon picked himself up off the ground. He had gotten a text and instead of watching where he was walking he tripped over an uprooted root and fell.

"Oh you are so going to get it!" Devon yelled as he took off after her. Bray- Lynne squealed and took off in the direction of the beach house, Devon hot on her heels.

It didn't take much for Devon to catch up with her. His arms wrapped around her waist pulling her body to his.

"You are so going to get it!." Devon spoke low in her ear.

Devon watched as Bray laughed. So carefree, so happy.

He leaned down,touching his lips to her.. Her laughter instantly died down.

The kiss was gentle and sweet. Causing Bray-Lynne to moan into his lips.

"Your so fucking beautiful." Devon whispered to her as their lips broke apart.

Bray smiled at his words. Devon was the first man to ever treat her like this. He wasn't ruff and demanding, he was gentle and caring and she could feel herself falling for him. Just as he felt himself falling for her.

Devon's Girl (Book 1 of Lovely Desires)!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon