Chapter {18}- Part 2

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Chapter 18 - part 2

Karma stood outside the building, her face streaked with running mascara and tiers. She couldn't believe what had just happened.

She could remember hearing the boom. She could remember feeling the slight rumble of the floor. She remembered looking around the room.

She remembered looking at her puzzled parents, then to the stage where Devon and Bray - Lynne looked confused as they both looked at something behind her.

She had just exited the stage before it all happened.

She watched as a look of fear, and horror passed over Bray - Lynne's face as she reached for Devon, eyes wide. She remembered watching the stage buckle under their feet, as her brother reached for his fiancé, a look of horror washed over his features.

She remembered the ear piercing scream that left Bray - Lynne's lips, and her own scream that mixed with it.

She remembered how slow everything seemed to go as the stage collapsed, she remembered looking over to her mother who was screaming and holding onto her father. How her mother's knees buckled, the way she fell and her father tried to steady her, but couldn't keep his eyes off of the stage.

She remembered the look in her father's eyes. Something she hadn't ever seen before, panic. He did not panic. He was the strongest person, well besides her brother that she knew.

She remembered as people stood for a second just eyeing where the stage had one been. Most of the floor surrounding the stage was missing as well. Smoke began to rise and then people screamed. Everyone ran in different directions trying to reach the exits. The lights in the room flickered and the smell of smoke reached her nose.

"Karma" She jumped a little as her mother reached out to touch her. She looked at her mother, seeing how broken she was. Her only son and soon to be daughter- in law was buried under a tone of wood, cement, and metal.

"Who would do this?" Karma asked, her voice breaking as she grabbed a hold of her mother. Sobbing for what felt like the hundredth time.

"I have a feeling, but for now we just need to find them and pray they are okay." Lilly's voice broke. She still couldn't believe this was going on.

"WE NEED HELP, WE FOUND SOMEONE!" One of the fire fighters came running out of the building, screaming. Almost every first responder went running into the building. Lilly saw the flashes of the cameras as news crews stood around. It had been over four hours since all this started, but to them it had only felt like minutes.

Karma felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to find Jason and Savannah standing there. On her other side her mother and father, and just a little bit away Beth and Jack stood back, watching, waiting. Both their girls were with them and she could see just how scared they were.

No one else had really been injured. Just some scapes as people pushed others out of their way fighting to get out of the building.

"Bray - Lynne!" Her mother screamed, running to the woman being carried out of the building. She was covered in blood and dust. Her leg was twisted into a weird position and her shoulder was being held to her body by some kind of medical tape. Someone was putting an oxygen mask over her face, and another person was trying to get her vitals.

"She's alive, but we need to get her to the hospital, we're going to need to know all her medical history." One of the paramedics said walking over to the group of friends and family.

"We wouldn't know, but her friend Beth might." Karma's father Johnny spoke up. He then yelled for Beth.

Beth ran over, looking at her best friend. She had just seen her earlier that day. She was happy and laughing.

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