Chapter {2}

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Chapter 2-

Bray-Lynne looked around. This was all really unnecessary, but she did technically agree to all of it when she signed the paperwork.

There she stood in the middle of what will be her new living room, in her new three bedroom house. Devon made it clear they would not live together until after the wedding. He also made it clear there was only to be sexual relations between the two of them and no one else.

"Here this is for you." Devon said, handing her a white box.

"What's this?" She asked, taking the box from him.

"It's your new phone. I need to be able to contact you at any time. Your flip phone just simply won't due. I also had your number switched over so no worries about that, oh and Beth called for you a few times, might want to call her back." Bray-Lynne nodded her head while taking the box from his hands.

Inside was a brand new Galaxy s20. There were also white bluetooth earbuds, a charger and phone case to go on the phone.

Bray grabbed the phone and dialed Beth's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey Bray I know I'm springing this on you but could you watch the girls for me tonight?" Beth asked.

"Um yeah I can do that, but first I need to tell you something." Bray was nervous to tell her friend she would be moving out and that she was also going to marry Devon DiCaprio.


"So let me get this straight, you are moving out and getting married?" Beth asked. She didn't really know what to think. She and Bray have been friends for years, and now all the sudden she's getting married.

"Yeah I know it's a lot right now but I'll explain everything when you drop the girls off, I promise."Bray said. She wanted to tell Beth everything But some thing's had to remain quiet.

"Okay I guess just give me the address, but we will discuss this." Beth promised.

Bray-Lynne agreed before hanging up and then texting Beth her new address.

"Who's coming over tonight?" Bray-Lynne jumped, hearing Devon's voice. She looked over to find him in sweats and a tight long sleeved white shirt. When had he changed?

"It's just going to be Beth's daughters, they're four and they are so much fun to be around. Beth and her husband Jack need a date night." Bray- Lynne mumbled looking out the windows and at the graying sky.

"Well just stay inside, it's going to storm." Devon said as he looked out the windows.

Devon left shortly after everything was set up and in place for Bray-Lynne. He also had his designer bring over three sleeping bags and some stuff Bray would need for the girls.

A knock at the door brought Bray out of her thoughts. She walked over, opening the door finding Beth looking wide eyed at her with both the twins Rose and Daisy.

"Bray-Lynne this house is like, wow." Beth didn't even have words for how wonderful the house her friend stood in was. It was just so beautiful. She hadn't expected this. She thought it would be tiny. No, this house was huge.

"Come in, I'll tell you everything in like two minutes." Bray rushed her friend inside. The twins began running around yelling about how awesome the place was.

"I'm marrying Devon." She had already gotten permission to tell Beth. Since she was after all the only family she had left.

"Who's that?" Beth asked. She was confused. She had never even heard of her friend going on a date let alone having a boyfriend. Now she finds out her friend is getting married.

"Devon DiCaprio, we're getting married." Bray looked over at Beth, who seemed to be fine.

"And since when?" Beth had a lot of questions to ask.

"Since two days ago, listen I know what you're going to ask and say, but the truth is. I've been with Devon for a while now. We kept it on the down low and when he popped the question I told him I was going to tell you. His family will find out in a few days, but please Beth do not tell anyone the media cannot find out about this till we are ready." Bray-Lynne pleaded with her friend.

Beth had a lot of questions for Bray but decided to only ask one: "Does he treat you right?"

"What?" It was Bray's turn to be confused.

"Does he treat you right?" Beth asked again.

"Yes of course he does." Bray answered back quickly.

"Then I am happy for you." Beth kissed her friend's cheek and told her what time she would be picking the girls up the next day before she rushed back to her waiting husband.

Bray let out a deep breath and turned around to face Rose and Daisy. They looked like their father in many ways. But acted just like their mother.

"So what do you girls want to do?" Bray asked, looking at them both.

They both got the same smile and she knew she was in for it.


Bray woke up to someone shaking her.

"Bray-Lynne, wake up!" She looked up with fuzzy eyesight at Beth who was ordering the girls to stop whining and get ready.

"Hey, is it time already?" She asked, rubbing her sore eyes. Last night was a blast. They fixed sundaes and then watched movies till the sun came up. Once both the girls were asleep, Bray had taken a quick shower and then went to bed herself. She had been exhausted.

"Yeah, we're a little late, but um, please go back to sleep, you look like shit." Beth smiled as Bray stuck her tongue out at her.

Bray pulled the blanket over her head as Beth once again told the girls to stop whining and to finish getting ready.

"Alright we're leaving now." Beth yelled out.

"Okay, just lock the door on your way out." Bray mumbled back to Beth.


Bray kicked her foot out as she felt something touching it, not realizing it was Devon who was touching her.

"Damn it Bray-Lynne!" Devon yelled. He held his bleeding nose as he rushed to the bathroom.

"Oh my god Devon I am so, so sorry." Bray said, rushing to his side to help him.

"I am so, so sorry I had no idea you were there." Bray mumbled as she finished wiping the blood off of his face.

"You weren't answering your phone so I came to check up on you." Devon answered as he sat still while Bray cleaned his face. She had insisted on helping him since she had been the one to kick him.

"Oh. Well I slept in, sorry I worried you." Bray said, sounding a little shocked. She hadn't realized he would be worried.

"Um, so my parents are having dinner tonight. They want to meet you." Devon blurted out leaving Bray-Lynne frozen in place.

Devon's Girl (Book 1 of Lovely Desires)!Where stories live. Discover now