Chapter {29}

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Chapter 29 –

4 months later

"You look even better than you did the first time you tried this dress on." Lilly commented as she looked at Bray- Lynne from across the room.

"Thank you Lilly." Bray said as she too looked at her reflection.

Her wedding dress hugged her body and she had to admit it made her curves look even better.

Devon had loved the way her body changed after having their twins. He could barely keep his hands off of her most days, and he was definitely going to have trouble today.

A whistle caused the two women to turn their heads and find Karma leaning against the door frame in her navy blue bride's maid dress.

"If you weren't married to my brother and I wasn't with Blue I'd probably hit that." Karma said with a smirk on her face.

"Karma Nicole." Lilly scolded her daughter.

"I'm just being honest." Karma tried not to laugh at her mother's expression but the corners of her mouth twitched.

"Any ways dad wants to know if you guys are ready. It's time." Karma said.

"Yeah, she's ready." Lilly said with a smile lighting up her face.

Karma and Lilly helped Bray walk from the room and to where Johnny was waiting. He had agreed to walk Bray down the aisle and was honored to have been asked.

The music began playing as Karma and Lilly began walking down the aisle to take their place beside the bride.

Not a lot of brides have their mother in law as a bridesmaid, but Bray wanted to include everyone she loved on this day.

"You ready?" Johnny asked Bray.

"I've never been more ready in my life." Bray answered him back with a big smile gracing her face.

Johnny smiled and listened as the music changed signaling it was Bray's turn to walk down the rose covered aisle.

Devon looked up as he heard the music change, his eyes instantly landing on the beautiful woman wearing white, walking down the aisle.

Her long blonde hair had been tied up in a bun at the top of her head, her make up light and barely noticeable. Her beauty left him speechless.

It didn't take long for Bray to walk down the short aisle and soon she was holding Devon's hands and looking into his green eyes.

"You look amazing." Devon whispered to Bray.

"You don't look too bad yourself." Bray commented back, causing Devon to smile big at her.

He just loved her and couldn't imagine standing there with anyone else.

The preacher began speaking, causing everyone to stop talking.

"We are gathered here to watch as Devon and Bray- Lynne DiCaprio renew their vows to one another." The preacher said.

"Devon, would you please read your vows now." The Preacher said to Devon.

"Um, I mean look how beautiful this woman right here looks today." Devon began causing their guests to laugh.

"My love for you has grown so much in the past year. There is no one I'd rather spend the rest of my life with; you make me smile and laugh on my worst days. You are an amazing mother to our children and you put them first above everyone else. Your laugh and smile lights up the entire room as well as your beauty, I can't wait to see what the next year brings us. I love you more than anything, Bray." Devon spoke, never breaking eye contact with Bray- Lynne.

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