Chapter {6}

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Chapter 6 –

Jill paced back and forth, running her fingers through her hair. She could not believe Devon had fired her and all over that gold digging whore!

How could he?

She had made him coffee every damn morning; made sure his schedule was right, and made sure everything went off without a hitch.

She had done everything for that man for four years. If it wasn't for her he would still be living with his stupid mother, and she would have become CEO of his uncles company.

She had the skills it took to run that stupid company. She just needed for him to see it her way, and she had the perfect plan.


Devon sat at the round table, his father and uncle sat with him, and some attorneys.

"So have you two decided on a date for the wedding?" His uncle asked.

"No not yet, but Bray-Lynne and Karma are sitting down today to discuss wedding plans." Devon smiled at the thought of seeing Bray and his little sister making plans for his wedding.

"Good, good. So if the wedding is being planned and I've signed the papers relinquishing my rights for the company over to you once you are legally married, why have you called this meeting with your father and me?" Devon's uncle was a smart man. He had also warned Devon about Jill and her ways even before he hired her, so it was going to be hard to explain the need for a lawsuit against her.

Devon was going to have to do it, especially if he wanted to keep some secrets. He had no doubt that Jill would tell people some things that were just not meant for the public to know. She would even tell them about the contract Bray-Lynne signed, just so his family would hate her and to get back at him.

His uncle truly believed he loved Bray-Lynne and that their marriage was a real thing. Although Devon had mixed feelings on the subject he would not ruin her name, not when it was his fault she was in this mess to begin with.

His stomach turned at the thought that Bray just might hate him if her name was to become tarnished, and it was that thought that he couldn't stand.

Sighing Devon told his father, uncle and the few attorneys why he had called the meeting.

"This meeting is about Jill." Devon took a big breath before continuing on about what had transpired the last time he saw her.

"What do you plan to do now?" Devon's father grunted. He wasn't mad at his son. Just upset that he didn't listen to all the warnings he was given when hiring her.

Devon's father and uncle were angry at Jill. The girl had nerves.

"Well for starters, I plan to file charges against her, and reimburse Romano the money the courts made him pay us and offer him a job. If anything, the poor guy deserves it." Devon's father and uncle agreed with him and the attorneys got to work on getting everything in motion.

"Have you talked to Bray-Lynne about this mess with Jill?" His father asked him once the attorneys were gone.

"No but I plan to take her to dinner tonight, maybe then. Not too sure she wants to talk about it. I think she's letting it sink in." Devon ran his hands through his hair.

After another hour of discussing what was to happen with Jill the meeting was over with. All three men signed the letter that was to be sent with a check to Romano and decided to have lunch together.

When lunch ended the men went their separate ways having different things to do.

Devon decided to head to Brays and see how the wedding planning was going. Knowing his sister she was probably driving Bray up the walls in agony.

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