Chapter {20}

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Chapter 20 –

Devon's pov - (6 days after cave in)

I didn't know how long it had been since the accident, but I was starving and my mouth was dry. The pain in my body had numbed but I knew eventually I was going to need to go to the hospital.

I knew in my heart that my family was doing everything possible to find me, and I could also feel that they were protecting Bray -Lynne. They loved the girl as much as I did, she was part of our family, and you don't fuck with the DiCaprio's.

It wasn't long after the sun rose that Jill came in. I could tell it was mid-morning because of the birds.

"I bet you're hungry?" She asked to which I glared at her.

"I don't think he is, maybe we should just leave, before they find us again." Keith came up behind her.

What did he mean by 'again'?

"Relax; they don't even know this place exists. Let alone that he's here." Jill rolled her eyes at Keith and walked over to my cell door.

"Be a good boy and stay where you're at, or I'll make you starve." Was that a fucking joke? I had been in the same position since I woke up here. My leg was broken and swollen. How the hell was I going to move?

She opened the door and walked in but Keith stayed close to the door just in case. In one hand was a bag of food and in the other was a first aid kit. I bet there were pain killers in that first aid kit; they almost always put a couple of Tylenol in them.

She sat everything down in front of me and then went for my leg. I jerked away as she touched it.

"Is it really broken?" She asked.

"Yeah, my leg is really fucking broken Jill. I need medical treatment." I spat out at her. Was she insane?

Wait, we've established that. She's already lost her damn mind.

She got up and backed away. "I can't let you go back to her, you're mine." She whispered. I think it was more for her but everyone heard her.

"Okay Jill, time to go." Keith grabbed her arm and pulled her from the cell. She was dazed.

I could then see why. She really had no idea what she was doing. She was so far into fantasy land that she just didn't understand anything.

As Keith pulled Jill out of the cage I got a glimpse of her stomach, a small round bump was very visible, one that I hadn't noticed before.

"You're pregnant?" I asked. They both stopped, looked at me and then Jill lit up.

"I want a little boy." She said.

"Jill, have you been to the doctors?" I asked her.

"Oh yes. The baby is perfectly healthy. Doctor said I'm due in October." She was thrilled about the baby.

"Who's the father?"

I watched as Keith put his hand over her belly.

I didn't ask any more questions, and I watched as they left. Jill was still gushing about the baby. When they were gone I grabbed the first aid kit.

Inside was everything I would need. I cleaned up the cut on my eyebrow, wrapped a bandage around my ribs to help give it some support and structure. I also found medical tape. I had done three years of boy scouts with my grandfather back in the day.

Looking around I didn't see much. There was an old book and that was it. It was a hard covered book; it was going to have to do, just enough to get me out of here.

I did my best and pulled myself across the floor, grabbing the book and then moving to the bars. I had thought about this and it was the only way. I used all my strength to rip my pant leg and expose my leg. Okay so maybe the book wasn't going to help. I looked around for something else. I saw a pile of sticks in the corner.

I used my suit jacket and after what felt like hours I managed to pull in a good amount of sticks. I used the medical tape and taped enough together to make a makeshift splint. I had to do this fast, who knows when they would be back.

I lifted my leg up the top of my foot against one of the horizontal bars, and with all the strength I had left I pushed myself back.

With my foot still behind the bar and my body going in the opposite direction my leg snapped back into place. I was glad it only took one shot, because I didn't have any energy left in me.

I felt like passing out but I knew I couldn't. I grabbed my makeshift splint and managed to get in on as I heard tires hitting the gravel outside.

I could faintly hear voices and I could have sworn I heard my uncle yell for my dad. I must be losing my mind.

"Hey bring that thing you guys use to bust doors down!" Was that Karma? Yep I was definitely losing my mind.

Just as I was about to grab the bag of food the door that Jill always came through went flying off the hinges and someone walked in.

"Devon" I heard my father yell. He came into sight and I don't care who says men shouldn't cry. I burst into tears seeing him.

He had a look of worry on his face as he took in my condition.

"Devon" My mom came running in behind him and then some other people did as well.

My dad and uncle got to work on getting the cell door off and when they did my mother was the first to run in. I didn't complain about the amount of pain it caused to hug her.

It wasn't long before paramedics came in. They lifted me up and helped me get onto a stretcher.

"Is she okay?" I asked my mom. I felt my chest tighten up.

"Yeah, she's going to be okay." I nodded my head and let my eyes close.


I woke up to a loud beeping. It was annoying.

"Relax; it's just your monitor." I heard my sister say.

I opened my eyes and saw her sitting beside me with a pained look in her eyes.

"I don't look that bad, do I?" I joked, but she didn't smile.

"I was so scared Devon." She whispered after a minute of silence. Tears started to fall from her eyes, and it was hard seeing my sister cry.

"Come here." I reached out for her and she got up giving me a hug.

"I'm okay; no one can take me away from you." I whispered to her.

"I cannot believe you tried to fix your leg on your own. Do you know how much more damage you did!?" Karma suddenly screeched at me. Yep there my sister was.

"I was going to try and escape." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, it shows how much faith you put into us finding your ass." Karma sighed, rolling her eyes at me.

"How did you guys find me?" I asked.

"Well I asked Blue for help, his men were able to spot Jill and Keith in Port Angela's. After that we started combing through all their records and found out Keith's dad owned an old warehouse, and ta- da there you were."

"Where's Bray?" I asked. Feeling my heart sink.

"She was in a coma for a week. She woke up last night. I think it has something to do with knowing your safe." Karma smiled.

"Just woke up?" I asked, feeling my heart squeeze.

"Well I want to see her." I sat up. This hospital bed was really uncomfortable.

"You can when she gets back from some more tests. You've been out for a few days."

I just nodded my head. Bray - Lynne was my world. She was the woman I loved and the one I was going to marry. Maybe we could just go to the court house, because I really didn't want to wait any longer.

When you go through something like this you realize just how precious life is, and everyone you care about. I have been given a second chance, and I'm not going to let it go to waste.

Devon's Girl (Book 1 of Lovely Desires)!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora