"I Did Love You"

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A few days later. At the Firehouse. 

I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and turned around. 

Kelly was standing behind me. 

I rolled my eyes annoyed. 

Kelly "Are you okay?"

I nodded "yes"

Kelly shot me a look "Really?"

I nodded "yes. Because i am just waiting for the day you walk past me and realize that what you and i had will never compare to what you and her have going on. And then i hope you realize that you're stuck with her because you and i will never happen again because you fucked up.  "

His jaw dropped a little. 

I smiled "Now have a great day, Lieutenant "

Then i walked away. 

In the locker room. 

I put my shirt on when Brett walked in. 

Brett "morning"

I nodded "morning"

Brett "you okay?"

I nodded "Yes"

Brett looked at me confused "what's wrong?"

Me "Yeah, Kelly's mom , uh... his mom said something when she was in town, though. She brought up how Kelly... can be fickle like his dad when it comes to relationships.  "

Brett sighed "normally i would tell you he's moved past his wild life but he cheated on you, so.."

I nodded "yeah, let's not forget his wedding in Vegas"

Brett chuckled.

Suddenly Kidd walked in confused "what wedding?"

My eyes widened and i looked at Brett. 

Kidd "What wedding?"

Brett shook her head "don't look at me"

Suddenly the alarm went off "Ambo 61..."

Me "Brett-"

Brett just rushed out. 

Kidd just looked at me.

I asked confused "what are you still doing here?"

Kidd "waiting for an answer"

Me "Well, have fun while waiting "

Kidd shot me a look "Flo"

I corrected her "It's "Florence" for you, Kidd."

Kidd sighed "Florence-"

Me "Seriously, Kidd, Fuck off !"

Kidd "just answer the question. don't be like that"

Me "Before Kelly and i got together, he went to Vegas and came back with a wife. They broke it off because she realized that Kelly was in love with me. happy?"

Her jaw dropped. 

I just walked out. 


I walked into Casey's room "you wanted to talk to me"

Casey turned to me "you know, i didn't want to believe it at first and that's why i am asking you"

I looked at him confused "what? what's going on? "

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