Benny and Jennifer

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At a diner. 

The five of us were eating breakfast. 

I did not want to come along because i felt like i would be fifth feel but Benny did not leave a choice. And not it feels like Kidd is the fifth wheel.

This could not be more uncomfortable than it is now. 

I took a sip from my coffee.

Jennifer to Kelly "Why didn't you just tell me you left Florence for Stella from te start?"

My jaw dropped and so did Kidd and Kelly's. 

Kidd nodded "Ah... that's a.. That's a good question."

Jennifer "Chicago's such a romantic city."

Kelly nodded, looking at his father. 

Benny put an arm around Jennifer "Went to Smyth's for dinner on Tuesday, and then the symphony last night. "

Jennifer  "He dozed off in the second half."

Benny "Hey, I closed my eyes so I could enjoy the music. This woman elbowed me so hard, I almost fell off my chair."

He chuckled. 

Kidd "Well, it sounds like a whirlwind week."

Jennifer nodded "It really has been. Hey, what are you guys doing tomorrow?  Maybe we could all have dinner together."

My eyes widened. All five of us. dinner? no no no no

Kidd "That... sounds..."

Kelly shook his head "No, there's a thing at Molly's. "

Benny "You're always at Molly's. You can't miss one night?"

Kelly shook his head "It's a fundraiser thing."

Benny nodded. 

Kelly "We got to get to shift."

Jennifer "Okay."

Kidd nodded "Yeah, yeah. We gotta get in early."

Benny nodded"Yeah... no, we got it."

Kidd and Kelly walked out. 

I sighed. 

Benny "Maybe you can change his mind about tomorrow."

I shook my head "I'm not his girlfriend anymore, Benny"

Benny "doesn't mean he won't listen to you"

I sighed "Benny-"

Jennifer "at least, please"

I nodded "okay"

At the firehouse.  At the locker room. 

I opened my locker. 

Brett to Gabby " You play hockey?"

I looked at Gabby who was holding a new stick in her hand. 

Gabby "This is a new stick for Matt as a surprise. He joined a weekly game
at Johnny's Icehouse."

I smiled " That's sweet of you. "

Gabby "Well, he never buys anything for himself, so... Ever since this Cordova mishap, I've been trying to... step up my game."

Suddenly Jake walked in and nothing but a towel and a wet body. 

I swear to got Brett's eyeballs were about to fall out of her skull. 

Jake "morning"

Gabby "morning"

I nodded "hi"

Brett "Hi."

Then  he walked away.  

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