Chapter 12

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Warning: unedited

Jessie follows me to the balcony and Princeton yells, "good luck!" behind us.

I sit him down on one of the lawn chairs and I take a seat across from him.

He makes himself comfortable and leans back casually.

"Explain," I order.

"Explain what?" He asks.

"Don't play dumb okay?" I order, "why and how do you know my brother."

"Can I have my lawyer?" he jokes.

I hide a smile with a frown, "nope."

"Well like he said I work at the sandwich shop you like, and he's right. You like that place a lot. You send him there all of the time, like I used to think that place was good but not that goo---" he rambles and I cut him off.

"No more rambling, keep going with the story."

He smiles, "Is this like a good cop, bad cop kind of thing? Because I'm only getting the bad cop vibe right now and I'm pretty sure you are supposed to be switching it up."

I can't hold in a giggle.

"See?" he says.

I change my facials to fierce, "is that how you knew we walked together to the arcade everyday?"

"Yes Sargent!" he says in a military voice.

"Don't mock me criminal," I say playfully.

I don't know how he can change my mood so fast.

"How are you and Prince such good friends?" I ask.

"Well when you see someone that often, like you really love that sandwich shop, you are bound to start conversing. How do you not become friends with a kid like that though? he's hilarious!" he says.

My heart strings are tugged but I don't let that affect my solemn expression.

His stomachs growls.

"Sorry Sheriff. But are we done? because those doughnut holes are calling me."

"They are for Princeton," I say.

"He won't mind," explains Jessie as he stands up to go to the door.

"Not so fast," I say and he slumps his shoulders as he sits on the chair.

"Princeton mentioned something about the two of you quote: 'talking about me all of the time,' care to elaborate?" I asked.

Part if me doesn't want to know. Princeton has too much crap on me and Jessie's and my relationship was completely rocky at the start. But the other part knows that I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't find out.

So I give into the latter.

"Do I have to say?" he asks.



"My interrogation my rules," I say.

"I was just curious, okay?" he says as if he is worried he's going to get in trouble.

"We obviously didn't get along from the moment we met, and then I met your brother who I saw you walking to the arcade with, from the sandwich shop window, not from my rapist van through my binoculars, so no I do not stalk you. We started talking and I wanted to know about you," he says.

"Well?" I say.

"Well what?" he asks.

"Why?" I ask wondering why he won't tell more.

He looks around as if he is trying to make up an excuse.

"Because you were my arch nemesis and I needed baggage," he says.

I flinch.

"That's low," I say.

"I know," he says, "but how was I supposed to defend myself when you tried to kill me?" he asks in the d-baggy way of his.

I have the urge to puke. The fact that he would use my brother to get to me is disgusting.

"Well I guess we should go inside. You have some papers to copy," I say knowing I can't hide my irritation.

He pulls out his assignments and I give him mine.

"Thanks," he says awkwardly.

"Mmhm," I reply.

He scribbles while I glare at him. I have no idea why I ever did let my guard down with him. My respect for the guy is at an all time low.

By the time he is done, which is ten minutes later he starts towards Princeton's room.

"Princeton can't hang out," I say.

"I figured," he says, "just wanted to say bye."

He leaves with his shoulders hunched.


Update came on schedule. You are welcome.

What are your thoughts on Jessie's explanation? Do you think he is a bad word? Do you think he is telling the truth? Hmm...

I swear that if you vote and comment I will put the part in the description in the next chapter. If not we will just have to wait. Mwahahaha

But really. Please vote and comment.


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