Chapter 17

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"Mom?" I open the door slowly.

"Where have you been?" My mother's irritated voice sounds the apartment.

"I was at this girl Megan's house," I start but she interrupts.

"You have a responsibility here. I don't work hard to feed you so that you can come home at 10:30 am from slutting around."

"Mom I wasn't slutting around. I slept over at a friends, and you are the one who told me not to come home last night" I protest.

She lifts her brow at me, "don't talk back to me."

I sigh, "sorry."

"Don't give me that attitude either," she says, "I'm going to work and I'm going out after so I don't know what time I will be home."


My best guess is that her and Paul got in a fight.

"Make sure that by the time I get home this house is spotless!" she adds and walks out of the door.

I go into the door that leads to the kitchen to find a disaster that might take me hours to clean.

Dang Gina! What'd they do?

Princeton calls and tells me he won't be back for a couple of hours.

After cleaning the place and watching a movie he comes home and we finish the night off talking about his newest crush.

Mom unsurprisingly doesn't come home and we go to bed in time to wake up for school.


But I don't wake up in time for school.

I wake up five minutes before school.

This is too familiar.

Princeton calls me saying he wanted to let me sleep in, "Dude. When I have to go to school, when you wake up, I wake up," I snap at him.

I call to my mom, but there is no sign of her coming home last night.

I slip into some comfy gray jogger pants and a white form fitting tee.

Another high bun it is and I am in the car on my way to the school.

When I get there a text buzzes my butt,

Bri: can you pick me up? I don't feel like hanging at Brent's anymore.

Seriously though? After you ditched me the other night.

I text back: yeah sure I'm coming right now.

Right as I get out of the school she texts me again: jk things just picked up;)

I sigh as I hear the bell ring and walk into the school without a tardy slip.

My mom calls me later,

"Elizabeth, you are so disappointing. I just got a call from the school... you were tardy? I leave you alone for a day and you can't manage to get yourself to school on time?"

She goes on like that for a while and kind of like a broken record.

I can't believe it though because I cleaned the giganto mess for her and watched her child. Although I shouldn't be, I am bugged at Bri too for texting me for picking her up from the guy's house that she left me for at the party the other day.

The rest of the day is as expected. Sucky.

I don't see the rest of the group at lunch so I eat out side by myself, and spill ketchup on my shirt. Which isn't a surprise. My clothes all have some kind of stain on them.

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