Chapter 14

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"Soo..." I say aiming to break the awkward silence.

We've been standing outside for the past hour shifting eyes uncomfortably.

Okay it had been three minutes, but it feels like an hour.

Jessie bites his lower lip and glances up at me. His hands are tucked comfortably in his apron. Like I said before, annoyingly attractive, "so."

"So. What was that all about?" I ask.

"What do you mean, that?" he asks.

"I don't know like everything I guess?" I say.

"Well put," he smiles.

I roll my eyes.

It's kind of funny how I basically told Bri that I wasn't going to talk to Jessie about it at the beginning of the day, but here we are. In a completely awkward situation. Talking about it.

"Okay, sorry," he says, "define everything."

I breath in, "Fine Jessie. I am getting all of these weird vibes and signals from you, like one day you hate me, the next you are best friends with my brother, the next you admit one of the worst things you could have, then you almost rape kiss me, then my brother tells me that the thing I thought you betrayed me with you actually didn't, now your co-worker is saying all of these confusing things, and I have no idea where I am going with this, but I hope you do so that I can stop talking," I say surprisingly without gasping at the end because I am almost positive that I didn't breath through out the entire speech.

Hey I could be a rapper.

I am coming for ya Nicki Minaj.

Jessie flashes his white teeth at me and chuckles, "He's my employer. Not my co-worker---"

"Jessie," I sigh, interrupting him, "Can you please just be se--"

He interrupts me right back, "sorry, yeah, I think I know where you were going with it."

I wait.

"The truth is," he starts.


"My confusing behavior comes from feelings that have sprouted from the first day that we met."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I say, "I know you've hated me from the first day that we met."

He raises his brow, "Let me finish?"

I sigh, "Yeah."

He pauses for like ever, "Well I started hating you."

I can't help but roll my eyes. Again.

He chuckles, "aren't you afraid they're going to get stuck like that?"


"Your eyes," he says making penetrating direct eye-contact, "my mom used to say that when I went through my moody stage. If you keep rolling your eyes they're going to get stuck like that."

"hm..." I say shifting my eyes, "could you not change the subject?"

"Oh yeah right," he says pausing again, he opens his mouth as if he is about to say something, but immediedetly turns his head for a second, "but I don't want to tell you."

"For the love of Yoda, Jessie," I say.

"Fine," he breaths in as if what he is about to say isn't goiing to be easy.

"The truth is that at first, you are right, I did hate you, and then, you were the one who told me that my girlfriend was cheating on me so of course I resented you for it. After that I noticed you walking with Big P,"

I can't help half smiling at the nickname for my brother.

"and I thought it was cute, because siblings can be hard to get along with and it's important to cherish them," he says looking straight up at me, "but anyways," he looks at the cement, "Soon after that I started realizing how I liked it when you contradicted me and how you bite your lip when you feel uncomfortable," he says and I immedietly stop chewing on that said lip.

He chuckles, then goes back to a serious face, "but you hated-hate me so my huge ego had to make it seem like I didn't have feelings for you, oh yeah, did I mention that? I have a crush on you," he says quickly like it's no big deal.

I can feel my cheeks reddening.

"So I lied to you and said that I was trying to blackmail you through your brother, when in reality, I just wanted to talk about you."

Stunned and speechless I stand there with nothing clever to say.

"So this is super awkward, I'm embarrassed, and I should get back to work so see ya," he awkwardly smiles without his teeth and goes back inside.

That really did not just happen.

I pinch myself to make sure that this isn't some dream where boys are honest with how they feel and the hot guy has a crush on you.

"Ow," I say embarrassingly aloud when my fingers squeeze my arm.

Not one of my best ideas.

I head back to the arcade sandwich-less because there is not way that I am going back into that place after that encounter.

"Eliza?" one of my co-workers waives his hand in front of my face.

I blink, "sorry. yeah?"

I have been ridiculously out of it ever since Jessie and I spoke. First of all, I don't know how I should feel. Part of me is confused and doubtful, another part thinks he is lying, and the other is pure, unexplainable joy.

Oh and I'm hungry.

"A guy from the place across the street said you forgot to grab this," he says and hands me a paper wrapped sandwich.

Turkey bacon avocado.

Nice tactic.

I stare at for a second when he takes me put of my haze, "are you okay?"

"Uhh, yeah," I tell him.

"Are you sure? 'Cause your face is kind of getting red," he says innocently.

I can't help but giggle. Leave it to one of my co-workers to think that a girl blushing is something that needs hospitalization.


Okay I lied. I'm not going to stop on this story. I have too much stuff planned.

Sorry about the typos, I never got to fix them because I wanted to update ASAP.

I assure you that my updates are going to be consistently weekly. I am not sure what day yet though.

Hope everything is well.

Please tell me what you think...




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