chapter 22

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I smile to the smell of rain. Stormy weather is my favorite weather and I haven't been able to wear my rain boots yet.

It's Monday morning and I am happy to end the weekend of awkward beaching and wedding planning. Yes I said it, for the first time in world history, me, a teen, is happy that it is Monday morning.

I am surprised about my okay mood, because I feel my moodswings have been more out of control than usual, but accept the good mood because it's weird that I am analyzing my mood in the first place.

I pull on a sweater, fit a light jacket to cover it and light wash skinny jeans.

And don't forget the yellow rain boots.

Never forget the rain boots.

Okay I admit it, I am abnormally happy to wear rain boots.

But they are cute, okay?

The only thing that could be threatening to my excitement for my shoes or my random happiness is the two boys that I will without a doubt see at school today.

I hate to say it, but one of them is part of the reason I am excited to wear the boots in the first place. But only a little part. Like a very minuscule part that can only be seen through a microscope.

And the partial reason as to why it is so small is because I am still angry at that boy.

I don't think about it too much because I don't want to threaten my good mood and take my brother to school.


"I don't really get why you are so mad at Jessie?"

I almost choke on the banana I am eating with my free hand.

"What?" I look at Princeton and hold the steering wheel a little tighter than I was a second ago.

"I just don't understand it, woman are always complaining about how chivalry is dead or whatever, and right when they get treated well they get all pissy," he casually makes a gender stereotype.

I stare at my brother wide eyed,

"How do you even know all of this?"

"Yesterday me and Josh went to the sandwich shop," my brother says shrugging.


I must have been so into writing names on envelopes for wedding invitations while trying to zone out my mother's conversation involving stretching with Aubrey yesterday that I didn't even notice that my brother had a friend over.

And that he left.

I can just hear my Best Sister Award acceptance applause.

"Wait," I snap my head towards him, "He was talking to you about me?"

Sure I have accepted that Jessie and my brother are friends, I mean I am not completely happy with it (one step at a time okay?), but I am definitely not okay with them still talking about me.

"I just asked why you guys were being so weird the other day and he said that he questioned your feminism pride-whatever that means- by getting involved with something and almost having a fight,"the always-oblivious-to-my-facials-Princeton.

"Did he say anything else?"

"yeah," Princeton confirms.

"What?" I prepare myself.

"He said that if you hadn't stopped him, he would have kicked Texas's butt."

I laugh, "You mean Dallas."

Don't Expect me to Fall in LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon