Chapter 2

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Jessie sits down where he is instructed to: right across from me.

I hear him mutter under his breath, "every class huh?"

I look at the opposite wall expressionless. Sometimes even when you have only known someone for less than a school day you just know you do not like them. Unfortunately sometimes that person is in every single class with you.

I can sense his ego through his aura.

The other three sitting next to us are two dorky looking boys and a shy girl, this is what I get for signing up for honors English.

The shy girl seems nice enough so I introduce myself to her, "I'm Elizabeth."

She says her name in a whisper I can't hear.

"What was that?" I ask.

She says something unintelligible once again.

I give up on getting her name, trying to avoid embarrassing either of us.

"Cool," I say playing it off.

"Her name is Sandra," says Jessie annoyed.

"Thanks I know," I lie in a bratty voice.

"Really? You seemed confused."

"I wasn't, but next time I am confused, I'll be sure to find you, you seem like a lot of help," I say sarcastically.

"Whore," I say underneath my breath.

"Brat," he says under his.

I feel childlike and I can sense the people around us stiffen, but I just feel the need to get the last word in.

Throughout the class I can feel him giving me weird looks and once when I catch him, I raise my eyebrows and lift my middle finger.

He rolls his eyes, "real mature,"

I tilt my head and smile the brattiest smile I possess.


After school I head to Princeton's school to pick him up.

"Hey kid," I say when he jumps into the car.

"How was school?" he asks me.

"Not as sucky as I thought it would be. What about you?"

"Good, girl gave me her number," he says.

"Impressive," I note, not completely surprised.

My brother is a cute kid. But that's just a biased older sisters opinion.

"We going to the arcade?" he asks.

"I am. You can meet me there after you do homework," I say. Did I mention that I practically raised my brother?

"It's just disclosures Liza. Just let me come?"

"Fine, but once you start getting homework it won't be like this everyday."

"Okay," he says.

We go through the normal routine after that. Arcade, dinner, sleep.

My mom texts me saying she won't be coming home tonight. Typical.

The next morning my alarm doesn't wake me and I wake from furious shaking.

I groan.

"It's 7:10 Liza!" my brothers voice yells into my ear.

Crap. School starts at 7:25. And I should be leaving in five minutes. My hair is pulled into a default messy bun, I put on leggings, brush my teeth and leave on the sweatshirt I wore to sleep last night and get done by 7:14. Make up time is unaffordable at this point, so I resort to mascara in the car.

"I'll walk to day," reassures Princeton.

"Thanks dude," I say gratefully.

I get to the school with seconds before the first bell. It's not that I am a tardy whore, but I like good first impressions, and if my teachers like me at first, they'll most likely let my tardies pass later.

Jessie is already comfortable in his seat. In a white tee and khakis, annoyingly attractive.

I sit as far as possible, a little angry at myself for not being cute today. How can I be a cute diva if I don't even have the cute part? Well my butts bound to look good in these leggings, if my squats are paying off.

I'm not sure why I am trying to impress this kid anyway.

He looks me up and down.

"Can I help you?" I ask sharply.

He rolls his eyes.

I'm already in a bad mood.

Mr. Tenney carries around a can filled with popsicle sticks of improv topics. I remember Jessie and I are partners. I draw from the can.

"What is it?" Jessie asks.

"Annoyance." I answer back.

"That'll be easy," he says.

I glare at him, "yeah, you'll be good at that."

"Wow," he mumbles.

I sit cross legged on my chair, figuring that if I dressed comfy, I might as well sit comfy too.

"You'll be given your role when it's your turn," says Mr. Tenney, "just start brainstorming for both sides. We'll be presenting in two weeks."

He starts talking about his appreciation for Shakespeare or whatever.

In biology, Mrs. Mollinghaul starts by giving us partners and a seating chart.

"Elizabeth and Jessie," she points to the table in the back corner.

I can't help but roll my eyes. We sit in our spots.

"This is a lab based class, so you'll be depending heavily on your partner" she says.

Of course.


I'm back. So things are boring right now, but there are plenty dramatics coming! I swear. I already have some good stuff planned and lined up. And I know this was like a short chapter so I'll be a updating tomorrow or maybe even later today? And so sorry about the many names of Elizabeth and Mr. Tenney, I personally like a variety of names to choose from, but if it confuses you I'll stop.

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