Chapter 5

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I finish the confusing day of school, not in the mood to fight with Jessie.

For some reason I feel embarrassed so I try to keep my distance (if changing the space of our chairs from six to eight inches counts)

Unfortunately genetically, my mom passed on to me these impulses to say things, things that I shouldn't say, but I never fail to act on these impulses. It's never on purpose, but I can't help it.

"So you have a girlfriend?" I ask him before I can stop myself, and completely regret it the moment the words escape my lips.

He does that eyebrow raise of his,"yeah, didn't expect you to be jealous."

My cheeks get hot, I try to think of a snarky rebuttal but end up with nothing, "I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous? We don't like each other."

He smirks, "then why are you blushing?"

"This is my natural complexion. Don't be so hasty with your conclusions," Did I ever mention how I completely suck at talking?

"Too late," he says as the bell rings.

I walk towards Page (from the first chapter... Brielle's friend).

"Less arguing than usual," she observes my conversation with Jessie.

"Yeah, I wasn't in the mood."

"Want to go do something?"

"I wish! But I have work," I say, "I'm off Friday though."

"You're coming to Quentin's(also from chapter uno.. Brielle's other friend) party then right?" she asks.

"Oh, I'll see," I say, in any other situation I am completely outgoing, but going to a party with a ton of people that I don't know well, doesn't sound too appealing.

"You should come," she says.

"Maybe," I answer.

I pick up Princeton and get some HW done. After homework I put on the unflattering arcade polo shirt.

Princeton and I walk over to the arcade. He takes his normal spot on his bench next to the prize counter (my station).

"Can I go to Jacobs house Friday?" he asks me.

"Yeah, I have a party that night so it'll work out good, just ask mom."

"Is Dallas(hit on her in chapter one) going to be there?" he asks me with a warning tone.

I laugh, "I don't think so."

Princeton is the stereotypical little brother, hating on the boys that want me. I've taught him well.

I give him tokens and he plays for an hour, then runs over to the sandwich place across the street to get us food.

"There was a guy there that knew you," he informs me.

"Yeah?" I ask, surprised, "what'd he say?"

"He just asked if I was your brother and I said yes."

"Oh," I say wondering who it might've been. I'll have to go over there again sometime to see who it was. I am surprised he knew me, I haven't had much time to meet a lot of people besides Brielle's group and Jessie. Oh and Jessie's girlfriend Sidney.

Jessie's girlfriend Sidney. For some unexplainable reason, thinking about her makes me want to punch a wall, or do something violent.

But it is not because I am jealous.

Princeton leaves to go finish his chores.

After twenty minutes, I finally get the urge to break things out of my head and get into my Prize Counter Groove when Mom texts me-

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