Chapter Ten

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We spend the night having a water fight in the fountain until I'm practically a human ice cube. He then spends ages hunting for a candy floss stall, and buys us both one.

He slings his arm over my shoulders as we stroll back and smiles. I happily eat my candy floss and smile back. When we get home I have a shower and change into my avocado pyjamas. I walk on to see Sherlock led down on the bed in his soaking wet clothing. "Sherlock!" I sigh. He smiles and sits up, stretching his arms up to the ceiling. I frown at him and he huffs, "Shirt."
"You want me to take your top off for you?" I say, exasperated. He nods and I groan but give in, walking over. I pull off his blue shirt and he grins at me. I pull another top over his head and he hums happily. "Right goodnight Sherlock." I say, climbing into the bed.

"But I'm still wet." He grumbles.
"That's not my problem go and change your trousers." I yawn. He groans and stumbles into the bathroom. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep, smiling secretly under the covers.

I don't get to sleep for long. I wake up at 5am to someone shaking me. "Wake up! Wake up!" Sherlock shouts.
"Why the HELL am I up at 5AM?!" I hiss at him. "Because I'm up. And we're going out in two hours." He tells me. I groan and roll out of bed and trudge into the bathroom. I'm halfway through my shower when the door swings open, causing me to scream. "Sorry! Sorry I need to pee. John was always fine about it..." Sherlock grumbles. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" I shriek. He ignores me and soon leaves, closing the door behind him.

I dress in a pair of high waisted blue jeans and a teal jumper with neon green writing saying "Original". I put the kettle on for a cup of tea and make some toast too. A Sherlock with wet hair walks into the kitchen and swipes the cup from me. "That's mine!" I hiss.
"Well now you know how I feel." He retorts, sipping the tea and then pulling a disgusted face. "Who puts this much sugar in their tea?!" He exclaims. "Well obviously me." I smirk, taking the cup back and drinking it myself.

At around 7, we leave the flat and Sherlock hails a taxi. "Where are we going?" I ask him.
"I'm going to try and talk to john again." He sighs, getting into the back of the cab. In ten minutes the cab stops outside a semi detached house and we get out. "Wait here." I murmur to the driver, just incase we're turnt away at the door. He rings the doorbell and, surprisingly, Molly answers holding a baby who I am guessing is Mary and John's. Molly looks at us and her eyes narrow. She doesn't seem happy that I'm here. "I'm here to see -"
"John? Well he doesn't want to see you so go. And DON'T come back unless HE has contact with YOU." Molly snaps, rudely interrupting. Hurt flashes over his eyes but he masks it quickly and nods curtly, turning on his heel, taking my arm, and swiftly walking back to the taxi.

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