Chapter 5

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Its been a week since I came to this wonderful world, I am currently playing a game of checkers against Yunyun, I am losing hard.

Like really hard.

Like is Yunyun the checkers world champion or what?

Anyway, in the past week we collected enough money to buy actual equipment, so my INCLUDE should work better.

From the levels I achieved from massacring the Wolf and Toad population in the area I got enough skill points to obtain the summon skill.

But I'm not going to take it yet, I used most of my skill points to enlarge my mana pool.

Reason? I want to use a NOBLE PHANTASM before I summon a servant.

What is a Noble Phantasm you might ask? Think of it as the ultimate ability of a MOBA Character. It's the crystallization of the Heroic Spirits legend in physical form.

They come in all shapes and sizes, from giant beams of light to hitting someone three times with one strike.

I want to use a Noble Phantasm today.

My cheapest one is my Berserker' NP.

"Yunyun, I want more" I tell the young girl sitting in front of me.

She blushes and I realize that what I just said could be counted in a romantic way too. but no.

"I want to fight a strong monster. Maybe a Griffin or a Drake." I tell her.

She looks slightly disappointed, "Oh, umm, I'll go look for a quest, you, eh, just sit here and, umm, wait for me to come baCK!" Her voice cracked at the end there.

She runs toward the quest board. I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see who it is.

"Wanna grab a drink?" Nevermind, it's just Dust.

He's a pervert and a delinquent, But he's a good guy deep down

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He's a pervert and a delinquent, But he's a good guy deep down.

Even If he gets arrested just to sleep on a bed with a warm meal at the local prison.

I turn away.

"Hey hey hey, Why not? is it because of Yunyun? You don't want to look like a bad influence on the babes?" He asks.

"she's not a babe, she's 13" I tell him. "Hey, 13 is a marriageable age, If she seems to young for you now, Just wait a year or two, she already looks 16, just wait till she is." The Creep said.


After tossing Dust out of the guild, Yunyun and I proceed to spot of the quest she chose.

It's a quest to exterminate a group of Minotaur that were spotted near a bordering village.

It's a two hour walk to the village, On our way there I get an epiphany...

"This is boring" Walking for so long I notice that walking for two hours is boring. And I know just what to spice this up.


My shirt disappears and two swords appear in my hands

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My shirt disappears and two swords appear in my hands.

I throw them away, Why would I need Blades when punching someone is faster.

"Yeep!" Yunyun shrieks as I pick her up and I start running.

The wind rushing against our face, Yunyun hanging off my back like a baby koala, It's much better than walking for two hours.

Fifteen minutes later we arrive to where the Minotaur were spotted.

"C-can you p-please let me o-off, please?" Yunyun stuttered.

I let her off my back.

"So where are the Mino-" *ROAR* "-Never mind" It seems we found the foul beasts.

As Yunyun gets ready to cast a spell. I walk towards where the roar came from.

I see two Minotaurs butting heads. It seems they are in some sort of argument.

"Oi!" I yell to the Minotaur, they both stop and look at me.

*Grunt, Huff, Grunt* I have no idea what that one just said.

*Huff, Growl* I seem to agree with his huff.

*Growl, Huff, Grunt* Well fuck you too.

Shows Over pals!

"Prepare Yourselves!-


"That was just what I needed" I say after doing such an amazing feat.

I look to the two corpses on the floor, and then to my bloody hands, back to the beasts, then back to my hands.

I project a towel and wipe the blood from my hands, Good as new.

"So, Yunyun. What do you-"*ROAR*"-What!?" I turn around and see a third Minotaur about to jump me. Shit! I used alot of mana on that attack, I need to recharge.

"Light of Saber!" Yunyun shouts and the Minotaur gets decapitated by a flash of light.

"Huh? I did it! I saved you! WOOHOO!" Yunyun jumps and hugs me.

I didn't even notice that third Minotaur, If Yunyun wasn't here It would've been a close one.

"You sure did, Yunyun..." I hug her back.

"Lets go turn in the quest now." I say as we let go of the hug and crouch down.

"Why are you crouching?" Yunyun asks. "So you can get on, silly. It's faster this way"


I spent the way back to town giving Yunyun a piggyback ride.



That Quest gave us 120,000 Eris.

First Noble Phantasm shown, Third Servant Revealed, Dust makes a reference as the pervert that he is, What more could you ask for?!

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