Chapter 2

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I soon find myself on the side of a street.

I see merchants selling wares, kids playing with a ball and old men fishing in a small river.

I walk towards one of the mothers and ask for directions for the Adventurers guild.

After getting my directions I walk to where the nice lady pointed me towards.

I soon find myself in front of the building that has to be the guild.

I mean it has a sign that says "Axel Adventurers Guild", if that isn't the guild I don't know what is.

That also means this town is called Axel.

Walking inside I am approached by a creature of the fairer sex.

"Welcome, If you want to order anything go sit on one of the tables, if you want to register go talk to Luna at the desk" The creature known as a woman tells me.

In this new dangerous world I'm gonna have to be brave and act proactively. how else will I be able to gain the respect of my card servants if I'm always acting like a little bitch?

Walking up to the reception desk I see the woman called Luna.

"Oh! You're new here, are you here to register?" Luna asks.

I must answer this question without making myself look bad in front of a pretty woman.



Nailed it!

Without missing a beat, Luna takes asks for the registration fee. Thank Aer that Aer gave me enough Eris to do so.

Oh yeah, the currency is called Eris.

"Lets see here, okay! put your hand on this orb here" Luna takes out a magical contraption that looks like a globe.

Putting my hand on the orb it starts to glow, this garners the attention of the other Adventurers at the guild. they start listening in to whats happening.

As the orb stops glowing Luna takes the card and reads whats on it.

"Lets see here, Most of your stats are average, although you Luck, endurance and Intelligence seem to be very high. with these stats You can choose from plenty of magic related classes and even a few more Physical ones. although there is this class here I haven't seen before?"

As Luna starts talking I hear the other adventurers whisper.

"A new class?" "Maybe its a super secret class passed down in his family line for generations" "Maybe he is in some kind of prophecy where he becomes the king of a utopia after freeing a magical sword from a stone and he needs that class to do so?" "Maybe his Stats are so specific he managed to find the secret class of panty thief?" "What the fuck is wrong with you Dust?"

Yeah Dust, What the fuck was that about a panty thief?

"It says the class is called 'Magus'-" "I'll take it" cutting her off abruptly I choose the class of Magus. With this class I should be able to use my Class Cards more efficiently.

"O-okay, Magus it is" Luna says and hands me my card.

As the crowd cheers for the fact that a new adventurer has joined the guild, I go and take a seat to look at my card.

Lets see, What skills can I learn right now?

As I look at the skills I immediately choose the 'Reinforce' spell, hopefully it will be easier to use my Cards without my body exploding from a magic overdose.

I also look into the skills I'll be able to learn in the future and one of them catches my eye.

'Summon Servant'

With that skill I won't have to go looking for people to make a party. I have my whole party right here.

I need to do a quick quest so I can pay for an inn.

I take the quest to slay a pack of wolves at one of the nearby farms.


So Here I am, Outside of the barn where the farmer said the wolves would be coming.

I look to the sky and see that it's getting dark, better hurry this up.

I inject some mana into my card holder and choose the one that seems the most appropriate for my first quest.


I Took Class Cards to the other World [DROPPED!]Where stories live. Discover now