46 - Fake boyfriend

Start from the beginning

"If the three of you ever and I mean ever even think about doing something like that again then ..." All three boys looked rather terrified of what you were about to say, scared you were going to get up and yell at them again. "go for his neck next time, it'll wind him. He'll be in more pain."

Fred, George and Harry let out a sigh of relief at your words and even a small smile danced across their faces.

"Are we forgiven?" Harry dared to ask.

"Yes, whatever ..." You copied their small smiles. "I'm still annoyed at you three, we've got to re-form half the team now because of you lot!"

"How are we gonna do that?" Angelina asked.

"Put a notice on the common room board. If no one comes forward before the end of this week we'll go around and start asking." You replied. George now came over to the sofa and fell on it next to you. The red-head leaned his head on your shoulder and did his best to look up at you.

"We're really sorry (y/n)." George whined.

"But the git did deserve it -" Fred argued.

"I know he did," You started to talk trying not to lecture them again. They got enough of that from Molly. "but please don't ever do it again. And if he comes up to you and even attempts to apologise just accept it and walk away."

"It's Malfoy," Fred moved over to sit next to Angelina. "when does he ever apologise?"

"I threatened him and I think he was rather scared - oh Fred -" You stopped him before he got the chance to sit down. "before you sit, would you mind ... umm ... would you mind if we had a little chat? In private?"

Fred gave you a confused yet curious look but proceeded to stand and accept your offer. "Wanna talk in the boy's dormitory?" He suggested as you also began to stand back up.

"Sure." You smiled at him as he lead you up the stairs.

"Use protection!" Lee yelled from the common room.

"SHUT UP JORDAN!" You yelled, walking into the boys dormitory and towards Fred's bed. Fred leant up against his bedpost whereas you stood awkwardly by the wall.

"What's wrong love?"

Your heart fluttered at the use of the nickname. Fred always had a way of doing that to you even with the smallest gestures. Especially when he'd rest his hand across your thigh during lessons.

"I need a favour ..."

"Go on ..."

"I went to the hospital wing after I left McGonagall's office," Fred kept eye contact and nodded at your words showing you that he was listening. "I went to see Draco -"

"Why would you go see that prat?" Fred scoffed at your words.

"Let me finish." You fired back. "I went to apologise for your actions, I honestly hoped that maybe Umbridge would find out that's what I did and she'd think about letting you play but then again this is Umbridge we're talking about ... anyway, Adrian was there and I may or may not have told him that you were my boyfriend ..."

Fred's face was a picture. His expression was now a mixture of shock yet happiness with the smallest smirk starting to crawl onto his lips.

"I hoped him thinking we were together would make him stop with the things he says and well ... if he finds out we aren't actually together he will start it up again so ..."

"So what do you want me to do?" He now had the cockiest grin you'd ever seen on his face. He knew exactly what you needed from him but, he wanted you to say it.

"Will you be my fake boyfriend for the rest of our time at Hogwarts?"

"I'd love to be." He now took several steps closer to you which meant you were now right up against the wall with Fred Weasley who was your now fake boyfriend mere inches away from you. "So how are gonna do this?"

"Just ... every time Adrian is around, act like my boyfriend ... be affectionate ... we'll hold hands or something ..."

"Just wait till we're in charms ..."

"Charms? Why Charms?" You asked.

"Remember who sits in front of us ..."

In Charms, you and Fred sat at the very back of the room, in the corner to be more specific. Adrian sat on the bench in front of you but instead of him facing Professor Flitwick he would usually sit to the side so he could see everyone in the room which included the students behind him.

"What do you intend to do?"

Fred chuckled darkly before leaning closer to you so that his mouth was hovering over your ear. "I guess you'll have to wait and find out." He placed a small kiss just under your ear, along your jaw before pulling back to wink at you. He stood back and walked towards the door leaving you to grow flustered at what he'd just done.

"You coming?" Fred asked, stopping at the door.

"Y - yeah ..." Fred's smirk was growing larger at your clearly worked up state. He took your hand into his and began to walk you down the steps which earnt him a questioning look from you.

"What?" He asked referring to your expression. "What type of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help my girl down the stairs?"

"Oh shut up." You playfully hit the boy, smiling as you two walked back into the common room.

"Bloody hell!" Lee yelled. "You two were quick, (y/n) did he really not last -" Lee had a pillow thrown at his face by Fred before he could finish his sentance.

"Shut up Lee." Fred hissed as he sat down next to his brother. You were planning to join him when Alicia came striding over to you.

"Oh (y/n)! You're back! Here." She handed you a small piece of parchment. "It was on your bed when I put your stuff up there."

You thanked her and opened the letter. It read -

Meet me on the Quidditch pitch, tonight.



A/N - Thank you all so much for 30k reads and 1k votes! This means so much to me and I can't thank you all enough! Thank you so much, everyone, stay safe :) 

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