Chapter 36

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"Happy birthday, Kade!"

"What the fuck," He takes a visible step back as everyone jumps out at him, grinning widely at the birthday boy. Ethan, of course, is first to run up and hug him childishly which has me laughing loudly at the sight. He'd left a few hours before us to help set up whilst I distracted Kade by taking him to a cute bakery.

The time finally came where everything was prepared so we hopped in his taxi instead of the car and drove to our favourite restaurant- Parker's.

I leave him alone for all his friends to surrounded and head over to the main table where I see Caroline talking to Nina. Immediately I smile and the girls stand up, coming over to hug me and taking turns in doing so. "You look amazing!" Nina compliments, eyeing my outfit up and down.

Grinning, I say, "Thank you! You look beautiful as well. You too Care."

Caroline smiles, ushering me over to the table. "I've double checked the menu you requested and it all seems good. I think everyone's here too, which is great."

"Okay, good," I nod, looking around the private room as if to spot any mistakes. The room looks perfect and is decorated adorably with balloons and miscellaneous items and the view outside is as gorgeous as ever. My eyes suddenly zoom in on Ashton and I can't help but turn to the girls and say, "Hold on, I'll be right back,"

They nod and turn to go back to their previous conversation, allowing me to brush past a few of our friends until I'm standing right in front of him. He greets me with a smile and we hug momentarily before I pull away and grin, "Hey! How've you been?"

"Really good. How about you? And Kade?"

"We've been great," I smile, "Thank you so much for making it. I hope I didn't disturb any plans with the little one?" I imply about his son.

He shakes his head, "Don't worry, he's too busy napping to worry about anything else. The party looks great by the way."

"Thanks! It was a bit of surprise but I think he caught on pretty quickly," I laugh, when suddenly a body is being pressed against my back and I feel a hand around my waist. I turn my head slightly to see Kade grinning at his friend, sticking his hand out so they could give each other half-hugs.

Ashton speaks up happily, "How you been, man?"

"Been good, thanks to this one. How's Brooks?"

"Sleeping all day," He grins like a proud father and my heart swarms at the sight, a feeling of warmth spreading all throughout my body, "You two should come over once, say hello. He loves meeting new people."

I can't help but immediately reply with, "Of course!" I've always had a soft spot for kids and Ashton's boy, from the photo I've seen, was absolutely adorable. "We'd love to, if you don't mind," I quickly include, feeling my cheeks grow red as the two men laugh.

"Finally twenty, huh?" Ashton says, and him and Kade delve into a conversation I don't find myself engaged in. I quickly give Kade's cheek a kiss and wave goodbye to Ash before leaving them alone and walking over to a happy looking Ethan.

"Hey," I grin, enveloping him into a hug, "Thanks for coming in early,"

"Nah, it was no biggie," He smiles boyishly, "You did a really great job planning everything,"

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